Citizens Protest to Protect Navi Mumbai's DPS Flamingo Lake on World Migratory Bird Day

World Migratory Bird Day marked in Navi Mumbai with protests to protect flamingo wetlands. Activists allege vested interests blocking tidal water flow, harming flamingos. They demand authorities restore the lake, citing Bombay HC judgment. NatConnect Foundation has raised the issue, seeking intervention from MOEFCC and Maharashtra CMO. Investigation ordered, but no action taken yet. Civic officials have visited the site, and activists hope for rectification measures. Activists threaten legal action for contempt of court. World Migratory Bird Day aims to conserve migratory birds across borders.

PTI | Thane | Updated: 11-05-2024 15:48 IST | Created: 11-05-2024 15:48 IST
Citizens Protest to Protect Navi Mumbai's DPS Flamingo Lake on World Migratory Bird Day
  • Country:
  • India

Nature lovers and environmentalists in Navi Mumbai marked World Migratory Bird Day on Saturday by holding a human chain protest to get authorities to increase efforts to protect wetlands used by flamingos.

Holding huge banners with #SaveDPSFlamingoLake emblazoned on them, participants in the protest said the 30-acre waterbody in Nerul, which attracts thousands of migratory flamingos every year, was getting ''killed'' due to blocking of tidal water by vested interests in violation of a Bombay High Court judgment.

The main channel on the south side of the lake has been buried due to the construction of the Nerul jetty as part of the state government's water transport project, alleged NatConnect Foundation's director BN Kumar.

''Over a period of time 10 flamingos died and five were injured after getting disoriented due to such developments. We have been raising this issue for the past one month. The government must restore the lake,'' he said.

In response to a letter sent by NatConnect Foundation, the Union Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change (MOEFCC) and the Maharashtra CMO had ordered a probe into the blocking of water to the lake but no action is being seen on the ground, Kumar claimed.

Officials from Navi Mumbai Municipal Corporation, CIDCO and state forest department have visited the area and it is hoped rectification measures will be taken quickly, said Anjali Agrawal of Save Flamingos and Mangroves Forum.

Sandip Sareen from Navi Mumbai Environment Preservation Society (NMEPS) said his organisation was consulting legal teams since the developments related to the lake are ''a clear cut case of contempt of court''.

Activists Vishnu Joshi and Hemant Katkar also condemned the authorities for their attitude on the issue and said they are duty bound to protect the area, which is part of Navi Mumbai's environmental heritage.

World Migratory Bird Day is a global campaign to promote conservation efforts for migratory birds as they journey across borders.

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