Rescue Operation Concludes in George Building Collapse Tragedy

The operation, spanning 260 hours and conducted round the clock with two rotating shifts, involved more than 1,000 rescue, support, and volunteer workers.

Devdiscourse News Desk | Pretoria | Updated: 17-05-2024 17:48 IST | Created: 17-05-2024 17:48 IST
Rescue Operation Concludes in George Building Collapse Tragedy
According to the latest update from George Municipality, 62 people were on the site during the collapse, with 34 rescued successfully. Image Credit: IANS
  • Country:
  • South Africa

Western Cape Local Government, Environmental Affairs, and Development Planning MEC Anton Bredell announced the conclusion of the rescue and recovery operation following the George building collapse on Friday.

The operation, spanning 260 hours and conducted round the clock with two rotating shifts, involved more than 1,000 rescue, support, and volunteer workers. Western Cape Premier Alan Winde expressed gratitude for their bravery and selflessness throughout the ordeal.

While the disaster resulted in significant loss of life, Winde praised the tireless efforts of the rescue workers in removing over 6,000 tons of rubble while searching for survivors. He emphasized the dedication of disaster management workers and volunteers in saving as many lives as possible.

There were revisions to the number of people reported on site during the collapse and rescue operation, initially believed to be 81 but later revised to 62. This adjustment, though tragic, means fewer families are mourning the loss of loved ones.

According to the latest update from George Municipality, 62 people were on the site during the collapse, with 34 rescued successfully. Regrettably, 33 people lost their lives, including five who succumbed to injuries after being rescued. Ten individuals remain hospitalized, while 19 have been discharged or received on-site medical treatment.

Winde extended heartfelt condolences to the families of the deceased and pledged to hold those responsible for the tragedy accountable. He emphasized the importance of the ongoing investigation launched by the provincial government to understand the circumstances and take appropriate action.

Despite the devastating nature of the incident, Winde commended the rescue team for their efforts in saving lives. He highlighted the collective compassion and support demonstrated by the residents of the province, emphasizing the unity and solidarity shown during the challenging time.    

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