JK CJ calls for supportive environment for abandoned children

PTI| Jammu | India

Updated: 03-01-2019 00:36 IST | Created: 03-01-2019 00:36 IST

The Chief Justice of Jammu and Kashmir High Court Gita Mittal Wednesday called for collective efforts to support abandoned children.

"We as a society have to ensure that no child grows up alone and have to work together to make it a veracity," the chief justice said, during her visit to the SOS Children's Village at Gol Gujral and home for mentally challenged children at Channi Rama.

Mittal distributed sweets, chocolates, balloons, footballs, badminton rackets, carom boards, ludo sets among the children in the presence of Justice (Retd) Hasnain Masoodi, State Mission Director, ICPS, G A Sofi and Director of Bharat Bushan and other staff members of the SOS Village.

Mittal, who is also chief patron of Juvenile Justice Committee, reviewed the functioning of the SOS village, appreciated the efforts of the officials there.

She also lauded the staff members of the SOS village for the kind of facilities being provided to the children.

She emphasised the need for creating a supportive environment for children without parents so that they can realise their full potential.

Mittal said there are over 20 million abandoned children in India who are not attached to shelter homes, living without adequate food and under constant threat of abuse.

She said children who grow up alone, without love face a greater risk of discrimination, neglect and abuse.

(This story has not been edited by Devdiscourse staff and is auto-generated from a syndicated feed.)


challenged childrenchief patron of Juvenile Justice CommitteeSOS VillageNational Newsabandoned childrencollective effortssupportive environmentKashmir High Court Gita Mittalconstant threat of abuseMittal distributed sweetsState Mission DirectorSOS Children's VillageDirector of Bharat BushanPTI Newspresence of JusticeChief Justice of Jammustaff members





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