Gujarat BJP team found no wrong in Delhi's governance model, claims Sisodia; saffron party hits back

PTI| New Delhi | India

Updated: 30-06-2022 21:02 IST | Created: 30-06-2022 19:42 IST

Image Credit: ANI

Delhi Deputy Chief Minister Manish Sisodia on Thursday said the BJP delegation from Gujarat failed to find any loopholes in the Kejriwal model of governance during its two-day ''inspection'' of government-run mohalla clinics and schools here.

The Delhi BJP, however, hit back saying Sisodia and other AAP leaders were showing ''anxiety and frustration'' over the delegation's visit by first offering ''conducted tours'' and later claiming that the delegation did not find anything wrong in the health and educational facilities.

The Gujarat BJP delegation had arrived in the national capital on Tuesday to look into what it called the ''fake'' Delhi model of governance, with the AAP claiming that they had come to learn how people in the western state could also be provided with good schools and hospitals.

''We are proud to say that despite roaming in Delhi for two days, they failed to find any discrepancies in our schools and mohalla clinics. They clicked a picture outside a mohalla clinic in northeast Delhi to depict that it was closed. But that clinic has been shut for a long time following NGT orders,'' Sisodia said during a media briefing.

The deputy chief minister also said it is a good idea that delegations of political parties visit other states to ''learn'' from each other.

''We are open to this idea. We will welcome delegations who want to come and see what we are doing. Our delegation will also visit Gujarat to see the work being done there,'' he added.

Delhi BJP spokesperson Praveen Shankar Kapoor sought to know from the AAP as to why the Kejriwal-led party was ''worried and offering conducted tours'' to select locations if all the government schools, mohalla clinics and hospitals were in a good condition.

''The deputy CM shows off few good school buildings but will he reply why 75 per cent of the Delhi government schools don't have principals or facility to teach Science or Commerce at the senior secondary level,'' Kapoor asked.

The AAP has been eyeing political gains in Gujarat, which goes to assembly polls later this year.

Sisodia had in April visited schools in the Gujarat education minister's constituency and slammed the ''poor condition'' of education there.

(This story has not been edited by Devdiscourse staff and is auto-generated from a syndicated feed.)


Manish SisodiaSisodiaCommerceKejriwalKapoorPraveen Shankar KapoorGujaratDelhiScience





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