Possibility of load shedding for rest of week remains

Load shedding is a highly controlled process implemented by the system operator to ensure the security of the power system and to prevent a national blackout.

Devdiscourse News Desk| Pretoria | South Africa

Updated: 17-02-2020 14:36 IST | Created: 17-02-2020 14:36 IST

Image Credit: Twitter(@SAgovnews)

While some generating units have returned to service, the possibility of load shedding for the rest of the week remains, said Eskom.

"After returning some generating units to service this morning, Eskom does not expect to implement any load shedding today. While the generating system has improved, the possibility of load shedding during the week does remain," said the power utility on Monday.

Eskom implemented load shedding over the course of the weekend. The company reminded customers that due to the constrained and unreliable generation plant, as well as any sudden changes in the demand profile, load shedding may be implemented at short notice.

As of 5:50 am, unplanned outages or breakdowns were at 9 869MW, while planned maintenance is at 5 486MW.

"Implementing load shedding during the weekend has helped us to reduce the usage of the emergency diesel reserves and to replenish hydro-pumped storage schemes, which places us in a better position to meet demand this week," said Eskom.

Load shedding is a highly controlled process implemented by the system operator to ensure the security of the power system and to prevent a national blackout.

Eskom also reminded South Africans of the possibility of increased load shedding over the next 18 months, as it conducts critical maintenance to restore the aging plant to good health.

(With Inputs from South African Government Press Release)


Eskompower utilityload shedding





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