Pak Army Chief General Bajwa has to stop the oppression against Muhajirs: Altaf Hussain

Altaf Hussain, the founder and leader of the Muttahida Qaumi Movement (MQM), has asked Pakistan military Chief General Qamar Javed Bajwa to stop forthwith the ever escalating genocidal military oppression against Muhajir Nation and finish the barricade of MQM headquarters, 90.

ANI| London | United Kingdom

Updated: 23-05-2022 23:12 IST | Created: 23-05-2022 23:12 IST

Image Credit: ANI

Altaf Hussain, the founder and leader of the Muttahida Qaumi Movement (MQM), has asked Pakistan military Chief General Qamar Javed Bajwa to stop forthwith the ever escalating genocidal military oppression against Muhajir Nation and finish the barricade of MQM headquarters, 90. He said this in his exigent protest address to the people who had assembled at City's Press against enforced disappearances of men of Muhajirs.

The protest was meant to attract attention of international fraternity and lawmakers and rights organisations because the state oppression against Muhajirs is being continued since the creation of Pakistan and was beefed up in late 90s. To a rough estimate, the ghoulish military has so far executed 30, 000 youth of Muhajir Nation. It is pertinent to mention that Lahore High Court had at the behest of the Pakistani military establishment, imposed a 6-month ban on Altaf Hussain and through that ban, he was restricted to speak to his Muhajir Nation, carry political programmes and philanthropic activities for the indigent Muhajir families. The 6-monnth ban has now crossed 5 years and the judicial system of Pakistan can't do justice to MQM because it is grossly chained.

It was quite peaceful protest demonstration for the release of Muhajirs from unlawful custody at the city's press club where the feudal provincial government led by feudal Pakistan People's Party ordered Police to baton- charge protestors comprising senescent men and women. They were savagely manhandled, tortured and arrested. Hussain in his address reminded that Muhajir Nation remembers that PPP persecuted the Muhajirs in every era. The feudal PPP during its rule killed innumerable Muhajirs. Oppression and injustice against them were at its peak during the Bhutto era. Benazir Bhutto carried out genocide of Muhajirs through Police and distributed prizes among the killers. During the reign of Murad Ali Shah's father Abdullah Shah, thousands of MQM workers as well as Hussain's elder brother Nasir Hussain and nephew Arif Hussain were arrested and brutally martyred. Even today, atrocities are being inflicted on Muhajirs during the present feudal PPP regime.

Muhajirs are being arrested for protesting peacefully. Hussain strongly condemned the Pakistan People's Party led feudal Sindh provincial government and warned it to stop oppressing Muhajirs as time is never the same. Each of their oppressive and tyrant actions will be accounted for.

He said that religious fanatic Imran Khan and the people of PTI have openly been criticizing and even accusing the Pakistani military establishment and in recent days, a PTI MNA painted walls of Karachi with graffiti that mocked the Pakistani premier spy agency and the entire military establishment but no action was seen taken. Hussain asked the Chief of Army Staff General Qamar Javed Bajwa to stop the state atrocities against Muhajirs as the general impression is that behind all this is the Pakistani military establishment. which is pinning Muhajir Nation, their leader Altaf Hussain and MQM to wall.

Therefore, the military establishment should end the unconstitutional and illegal ban on MQM, lift the siege grom Nine Zero and end the illegal ban on Altaf Hussain. Addressing the military establishment, he said that Altaf Hussain had a mechanism to save Pakistan from catastrophe.

Hussain said that his struggle was not for his personal gains but he wants to bring revolution in the country. He wants an end to the outdated and decayed feudal system in Pakistan. He said that he wanted the army to remain at the barracks and borders and focus on the defense of the country instead of interfering in the political affairs of the country. He demanded immediate release of all detainees and warned that the series of arrests should be stopped immediately. (ANI)

(This story has not been edited by Devdiscourse staff and is auto-generated from a syndicated feed.)


Chief of Army StaffBajwaMuttahida Qaumi MovementAltaf HussainImran KhanPak ArmyCityQamarBenazir BhuttoPakistan People's PartyNasir HussainPakistanBhuttoLahoreSindhKarachiHussainPakistaniQamar Javed Bajwa





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