New drug peddlers arriving in Goa despite state govt's no tolerance policy: BJP MLA

PTI| Panaji | India

Updated: 28-11-2022 14:42 IST | Created: 28-11-2022 14:42 IST

BJP MLA Michael Lobo has said that despite the state government's no tolerance policy against drug trade, new peddlers keep arriving in Goa to deal in banned narcotics.

Chief Minister Pramod Sawant has given the police department a free hand to crack down on drug trade in the coastal state, he said.

Talking to reporters on Sunday, Lobo, who represents the beach town of Calangute in North Goa, said that though action is being taken against drug trade, new dealers keep arriving in the state by all possible means and peddle narcotics in the tourist belt.

Goa should be seen as the safest tourist destination in the world, he said, appealing to people to inform the police about illegal drug trade in their areas.

The MLA further said the issue of illegal touting has been taken up with the chief minister and the tourism department.

''The police should arrest illegal touts and register FIRs against them. They should be made to get bail from court, and only then they will have some fear about engaging in such activities,'' Lobo said.

(This story has not been edited by Devdiscourse staff and is auto-generated from a syndicated feed.)


BJP MLA Michael LoboLoboPramod SawantNorth Goa





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