What Can People Do About Feeling Unhappy With Their Appearances?

Jeremy Bowler

Updated: 18-05-2023 14:32 IST | Created: 12-05-2023 10:27 IST

Image Credit: Pixabay

There's no escaping it. More and more people are becoming unhappy with the way they look.

In 2020, a study found that 59% of Americans aren't happy with their skin. The high levels of unhappiness are also seen in nations around the globe and the trend is only moving in one direction. As such, anybody who feels this way must make a conscious effort to improve their situation and restore their sense of self-assurance.

It might sound like an impossible mission for someone that has been in this state of mind for several years. But here's how they can do it:

Seek Professional Treatments

Everybody is unique and nobody is perfect. As such, learning to embrace some imperfections is an essential step to regaining self-confidence. Still, there are a variety of issues where professional treatments are the ideal solution. Experts like Paul Vitenas M.D. can help patients with a range of cosmetic treatments. It can make a huge difference when bodies have been impacted by childbirth, trauma, or other conditions.

In many cases, cosmetic treatments simply set out to reverse the signs of ageing or poor lifestyles. This can help you regain a better physique, youthful skin, and facial symmetry. However, it's also increasingly common for people to fix their broken smiles with teeth alignment and whitening services. Aside from boosting a person's appearance, many of the above treatments also support their future health.

Most people only seek treatments for issues that have caused significant impacts on their health and happiness. In many cases, the imperfections aren't as bad as the individual thinks. Yet, after years of hindrance due to those aspects, expert treatments signal a fantastic investment.

Adopt A Healthier Lifestyle

Image Credit: Pixabay

Professional treatments can correct a number of imperfections. Still, many will resurface if the individuals fall back into poor lifestyles. Sadly, repeating the same processes and expecting different results is the definition of insanity. So, anybody wanting to change their looks and self-perceptions must alter their lifestyle. When they do, the immediate and sustained rewards are plentiful and life-changing.

Research shows that exercise is more effective at managing mental health issues than medication. The release of endorphins, along with the benefits of staying active will also work wonders for how people view themselves. Likewise, toning up or gaining a better physique will gain positive responses from friends and colleagues. This will naturally influence the recipient's sense of self-confidence.

In addition to exercise, individuals can implement a range of lifestyle updates. The most popular solutions include improved nutrition, hydration, and sleep patterns. In the case of nutrition, for example, it can prevent issues like bloating too. Appearances are, at least partly, a reflection of a person's health.

Reduce Social Media Time

Human nature dictates that most people will compare themselves to others. While this has been an issue for generations, the digital age has worsened the situation with noticeable results. Studies have shown that reduced social media time increases personal body image views among teens. While teenagers are one of the most susceptible demographics, the truth is that the trends can be seen across all age groups.

It's not hard to understand the psychology of this, either. Most people update their social media pages with airbrushed photos and videos where they are at their best. It is quite literally a highlight reel. As a consumer, though, it becomes very easy to judge personal looks (and lives) against those highlights. In turn, it creates an inferiority complex that is hard to break.

This is added to the fact that social media algorithms focus on presenting content with high engagement. So, most users are exposed to lots of beautiful people. It can warp perceptions and create unrealistically high expectations. Spending less time interacting with those platforms is the only genuine solution.

Wear Better Clothes

Image Credit: Pixabay

While everybody wants to look good naked, it's arguably even more vital to look better when dressed. After all, most people that are conscious about their looks are worried about what others think. Therefore, investing in the right fashion styles and beauty rituals can be a quick solution to this problem. Or at the very least, it will reduce the insecurities that they feel in daily situations.

Before looking at specific clothes, individuals should take accurate body measurements. Ill-fitting clothes can completely change the figure that a person casts while it is also a very common problem. Finding new clothes at Macy's or another retailer can work wonders for rejuvenating a person's style, appearance, and confidence. The key is to find a style that suits their tastes and natural looks while adding an individual touch.

In addition to wearing the right clothes, people can alter their looks with a new hairstyle. Beauty and grooming rituals can also bring significant improvement. Better still, the results can be seen on the same day. Whether used to kickstart a transformation or support other changes, the benefits can be huge.

Focus On Positive Features

Millions of people are a little unsatisfied with their appearances and would change at least a few features. However, that doesn't mean they will be unhappy with every part of their looks. Ignoring flaws isn't a viable option but placing a greater emphasis on positive features is advised. Whether it's a great physique or attractive eyes, building a look around those features can work wonders. Mentally as well as physically.

Bringing greater attention to the positives will help detract from the perceived negatives. Furthermore, it should provide some guidance when looking to cover blemishes with makeup or styling tips. When combined with real efforts, from treatments to lifestyle updates, the impact will become even greater. If nothing else, it alters the individual's mindset with significant results.

And, ultimately, the way that a person feels about their appearance is a subjective and personal issue. Whether a person is in their teens or senior years, acting right away is vital. By taking the right steps to address the causes of the negative feelings, along with gaining perspective, upgrades will follow.

(Devdiscourse's journalists were not involved in the production of this article. The facts and opinions appearing in the article do not reflect the views of Devdiscourse and Devdiscourse does not claim any responsibility for the same.)





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