Thousands of tilapia killed at Accra farm, investigation continues

Devdiscourse News Desk| Accra | Ghana

Updated: 10-01-2019 15:48 IST | Created: 10-01-2019 15:48 IST

There was a scare among fish consumers in October 2018 when news broke that more than six tonnes of dead tilapia fishes had been discovered on the Fujian Fish Farm, owned by a Chinese firm (Image Credit: Flickr / Aqua Mechanical)

Recently, thousands of tilapia fishes died at the Fujian Fish Farm at Asutuare in the Shai Osudoku District in the Greater Accra Region, Ghana. An investigation is being carried out to ensure how the bacteria infection took placed coupled with environmental factors that killed the fish.

According to the commission, the bacterial infection, which weakened the immune system of the fish, and environmental factors such as high temperature and salinity of the water could have led to the death of the thousands of tilapia fishes, Graphic Online noted.

The fish with weak immune system could have easily been stressed by the environmental factors, this what revealed by Dr. Peter Akpe Ziddah, Head of the Fish Health Unit of the Fisheries Commission.

There was a scare among fish consumers in October 2018 when news broke that more than six tonnes of dead tilapia fishes had been discovered on the Fujian Fish Farm, owned by a Chinese firm. Even, similar incident was observed at the end of 2018 along the Volta Lake. The Fisheries Commission and the Veterinary Services are going deep into the investigation to find out the cause of the unexpected bacterial death.


tilapia fishtilapiaGhanaAccra





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