Odd News Roundup: A good yarn? EU's Vestager knits during Commision chief's annual speech; Tallest teen, fastest hair skipping among 2022 Guinness World Records

Following is a summary of current odd news briefs. A good yarn? The annual publication, out on Thursday, features an array of records and feats, including the fastest walking on hands and the most skips over a person's own hair in 30 seconds.


Updated: 17-09-2021 10:33 IST | Created: 17-09-2021 10:31 IST

Image Credit: Wikimedia Commons

Following is a summary of current odd news briefs.

A good yarn? EU's Vestager knits during Commision chief's annual speech

A top European Commission official followed the thread of her boss' annual "state of the union" address on Wednesday by knitting. Margrethe Vestager, who is in charge of ensuring fair business competition in the EU, sat calmly knitting in the European Parliament in Strasbourg while Commission chief Ursula von der Leyen delivered her hour-long policy address.

Tallest teen, fastest hair skipping among 2022 Guinness World Records

From the dog with the longest ears to the world's tallest teenager, Guinness World Records reveals its latest record breakers in the 2022 edition of the popular book. The annual publication, out on Thursday, features an array of records and feats, including the fastest walking on hands and the most skips over a person's own hair in 30 seconds.

(This story has not been edited by Devdiscourse staff and is auto-generated from a syndicated feed.)


European ParliamentStrasbourgCommissionVestagerGuinnessGuinness World RecordsWorld RecordsMargreVestagerEuropean CommissionUrsula von der Leyen





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