Mohammad Hafeez takes dig at New Zealand Cricket for abandoning Pakistan tour

Cricketer Mohammad Hafeez on Saturday took a dig at New Zealand Cricket (NZC) for postponing their tour of Pakistan citing security threats.

ANI| Islamabad | Pakistan

Updated: 18-09-2021 21:14 IST | Created: 18-09-2021 21:14 IST

Image Credit: ANI

Cricketer Mohammad Hafeez on Saturday took a dig at New Zealand Cricket (NZC) for postponing their tour of Pakistan citing security threats. "Thanks to the secutity of pakistan forces to make arrangements to @BLACKCAPS to reach at airport Safe & Sound. Wonder same route & same security but no threat today???" tweeted Hafeez.

The Blackcaps abandoned their tour of Pakistan following a New Zealand government security alert, New Zealand Cricket (NZC) informed on Friday. New Zealand was slated to play their first match on Pakistan soil since 2003. The side was to play hosts on Friday in the first of three ODIs in Rawalpindi, before moving to Lahore for a five-match T20 series. Pakistan Prime Minister Imran Khan spoke to New Zealand counterpart Jacinda Ardern before Blackcaps announced they are abandoning their tour of Pakistan. Khan assured Ardern that Pakistan has one of the best intelligence systems in the world and that no security threat of any kind exists for the visiting team but New Zealand Cricket (NZC) still decided to return home after the NZ government security alert.

New Zealand Cricket Players Association chief executive Heath Mills echoed NZC chief executive David White's sentiments. "We've been across this process throughout and are fully supportive of the decision. The players are in good hands; they're safe -- and everyone's acting in their best interests," he said. NZC had said it will not comment on the details of the security threat nor the updated arrangements for the departing squad. (ANI)

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KhanNew ZealandpakistanNew Zealand CricketHeath MillsMohammad HafeezRawalpindiLahoreNew ZealandArdernImran KhanHafeezJacinda ArdernBlackcaps





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