Tobacco and Nicotine Industry’s Strategies Hook Youth for Life

The World Health Organization (WHO) and STOP, a global tobacco industry watchdog, have unveiled a report called “Hooking the Next Generation,” revealing the strategies employed by the tobacco and nicotine industry to lure young people. The report, released just ahead of World No Tobacco Day on May 31, highlights the alarming rates of tobacco and e-cigarette use among youth and calls for stronger regulations to protect them from these harmful products.

Devdiscourse News DeskDevdiscourse News Desk | Updated: 24-05-2024 18:22 IST | Created: 24-05-2024 18:22 IST
Tobacco and Nicotine Industry’s Strategies Hook Youth for Life
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As we approach World No Tobacco Day on May 31, a new report from the World Health Organization (WHO) and STOP, a global tobacco industry watchdog, sheds light on the insidious tactics the tobacco and nicotine industry uses to hook the world’s youth. Titled "Hooking the Next Generation," the report reveals how these industries design products, implement marketing campaigns, and shape policy environments to addict young people to nicotine.

The Rising Threat of E-Cigarettes

Despite significant progress in reducing traditional tobacco use, the rise of e-cigarettes and other new nicotine products poses a grave threat to youth and global tobacco control efforts. The report estimates that 37 million children aged 13-15 globally use tobacco, and in many countries, the rate of e-cigarette use among adolescents surpasses that of adults. In the WHO European Region, for instance, 20% of 15-year-olds reported using e-cigarettes in the past 30 days.

Studies have shown that e-cigarette use increases the likelihood of conventional cigarette use among non-smoking youth by nearly three times. Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, the WHO Director-General, voiced his alarm: "History is repeating itself as the tobacco industry repackages nicotine to entice our children. These industries are intentionally targeting schools, children, and young people with new products that are basically candy-flavored traps.

The Candy-Flavoured Trap

The report highlights the deceptive marketing strategies employed by the tobacco and nicotine industry to attract young users. These products often come in enticing flavors like candy and fruit, which appeal directly to children. Research in the United States found that more than 70% of youth e-cigarette users would quit if these products were only available in tobacco flavor. Dr. Ruediger Krech, WHO's Director of Health Promotion, pointed out, "Using kid-friendly flavors like cotton candy and bubblegum, along with toy-like, colorful designs, is a clear attempt to hook young people on these dangerous products."

The Call for Stronger Regulations

The report underscores the urgent need for robust regulations to protect young people from nicotine addiction. WHO urges governments to implement measures such as creating 100% smoke-free indoor public places, banning flavored e-cigarettes, imposing bans on marketing, advertising, and promotion, increasing taxes, and enhancing public awareness of the industry's deceptive tactics.

"Addicted youth translate to lifelong profits for the industry," said Jorge Alday, Director of STOP at Vital Strategies. "That's why they work so hard to make it cheap, appealing, and easy for young people to get hooked. If policymakers don't take action, current and future generations could face a new wave of harm characterized by addiction to various tobacco and nicotine products."

Youth Advocates Take a Stand

Around the world, youth advocates are standing up against the tobacco and nicotine industry’s manipulative marketing. These young leaders are exposing the industry’s deceptive practices and advocating for a tobacco-free future. During the latest session of the Conference of the Parties to the WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control (COP10), youth organizations sent a strong message to policymakers: "Future generations will remember you either as the protectors who kept them safe or the ones who failed and put them at risk."

Dr. Tedros recognized several youth organizations with the 2024 World No Tobacco Day Awards, including:

  • Thailand Youth Institute, Kingdom of Thailand
  • Tobacco Abstinence Club, Federal Republic of Nigeria
  • Campaign for Tobacco-Free Kids, Argentine Republic

These inspiring young leaders are working to protect their generation from an industry that views them as profits, not people.

The Path Forward

The fight against the tobacco and nicotine industry requires a united effort. Governments, public health organizations, civil society, and empowered youth must collaborate to create a world where the next generation is free from the dangers of nicotine addiction. Strong regulations, increased public awareness, and youth-led initiatives are crucial to this effort.

As Dr. Tedros emphasized, “These industries are selling dangerous, highly addictive products to children under the guise of harm reduction. We must stand together to protect our youth from these harmful products and ensure a healthier future for all.”


Q1. What are the main findings of the "Hooking the Next Generation" report?

A: The report reveals how the tobacco and nicotine industry targets youth through product design, marketing campaigns, and policy manipulation, leading to high rates of tobacco and e-cigarette use among young people.

Q2. How do e-cigarettes pose a threat to youth?

A: E-cigarette use significantly increases the likelihood of conventional cigarette use among non-smoking youth and introduces them to nicotine addiction through enticing flavors and sleek designs.

Q3. What regulatory measures does WHO recommend?

A: WHO recommends creating 100% smoke-free indoor public places, banning flavored e-cigarettes, imposing marketing and advertising bans, increasing taxes, and supporting youth-led education and awareness initiatives.

Q4. How are youth advocates contributing to this fight?

A: Youth advocates are exposing the deceptive practices of the tobacco and nicotine industry, advocating for stronger regulations, and working towards a tobacco-free future.

Q5. Why is it important to address the marketing tactics of the tobacco industry?

A: Addressing these tactics is crucial to prevent youth from becoming addicted to nicotine, which leads to long-term health issues and perpetuates the cycle of addiction.

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