DIARY-Top Economic Events to March 30

FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 17 STOCKHOLM - Riksbank general council meeting - 1200 GMT MONDAY, FEBRUARY 20 STOCKHOLM - Swedish Central Bank minutes from the Executive Board's monetary policy discussion will be published - 0830 GMT TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 21 STOCKHOLM - Martin Floden, Deputy Governor of the Riksbank will participate in the Money Talks conference and talk about the economic situation and current monetary policy – 0830 GMT PHILADELPHIA - Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia issues Non-manufacturing Business Outlook Survey for February – 1330 GMT.

Reuters | Updated: 31-01-2023 05:31 IST | Created: 31-01-2023 05:31 IST
DIARY-Top Economic Events to March 30

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U.S. Federal Reserve Today in Washington ------------------------------------------------------------- This Diary is filed daily. ** Indicates new events ------------------------------------------------------------- TUESDAY, JANUARY 31 DALLAS - Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas issues Texas Service Sector Outlook Survey for January - 1530 GMT. STOCKHOLM - The Riksdag Committee on Finance will hold an open hearing on financial stability in the Swedish economy in the light of high inflation and higher interest rates with the Financial Stability Council. Participants include Governor Erik Thedéen and Minister for Financial Markets Niklas Wykman – 0800 GMT. WASHINGTON, D.C. - U.S. Federal Reserve's Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC) starts its two-day meeting on interest rates (to Feb. 1) WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 1 STOCKHOLM - Riksbank executive board meeting - 1200 GMT WASHINGTON, D.C. - U.S. Federal Reserve's Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC) announces its decision on interest rates followed by statement - 1900 GMT WASHINGTON, D.C. - Federal Reserve Chair Jerome Powell holds news conference - 1930 GMT THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 2

** SHIZUOKA, JAPAN - BOJ Deputy Governor Masazumi Wakatabe to deliver speech and hold a news conference in Shizuoka, off Tokyo - 0130 GMT. STOCKHOLM - German Economy Minister Robert Habeck heads to Stockholm, where he will hold bilateral talks with counterparts on economic, energy and trade policy, as well as meet with the business community. PARIS - European Central Bank President Christine Lagarde to deliver the opening keynote speech at the Franco-German Business Awards 2023 ceremony on the occasion of the 60th anniversary of the Traité de l'Elysée in Paris – 1830 GMT. FRANKFURT - European Central Bank President Christine Lagarde speaks to reporters following the Governing Council's monetary policy meeting – 1345 GMT. LONDON - Bank of England to publishes Monetary Policy Report - 1200 GMT LONDON - Bank of England announces rate decision and publishes the minutes of the meeting, after the rate decision - 1200 GMT BERLIN - Press conference following the Governing Council meeting of the ECB in Frankfurt - 1345 GMT BERLIN - Governing Council of the ECB holds monetary policy meeting in Frankfurt FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 3 LONDON - Huw Pill, chief economist of the Bank of England, gives an online presentation of the central bank's new forecasts and latest policy decision, released on Feb. 2 – 1215 GMT. FRANKFURT - Speech by ECB bank supervisor Frank Elderson at ECB Industry Outreach event on Climate-related and Environmental Risk – 1300 GMT. LISBON - Portugal's Economy Minister Antonio Costa Silva to hold a news conference with the country's foreign press association AIEP – 1000 GMT. STOCKHOLM - Riksbank general council meeting - 1200 GMT TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 7 BRATISLAVA - ECB's policymaker Peter Kazimir and Klaas Knot (Dutch central bank governor, via online) speak at a climate conference organised by the Slovak central bank – 0800 GMT. QUEBEC CITY, Canada – Speech by Governor of the Bank of Canada Tiff Macklem at CFA Society Quebec – 1745 GMT. WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 8 ** NEW YORK - Federal Reserve Bank of New York President John Williams participates in moderated discussion before the Wall Street Journal CFO Network Summit - 1420 GMT. FRANKFURT - Dutch central bank chief Klaas Knot speaks at an MNI webinar – 1500 GMT. STOCKHOLM - Riksbank holds monetary policy meeting 1 - 0800 GMT THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 9 BERLIN - German Economy Minister Robert Habeck gives speech at 2023 energy dialogue – 1500 GMT. STOCKHOLM - Swedish Central Bank announces interest rate decision. February 2023 Monetary policy report will be published - 0830 GMT MONDAY, FEBRUARY 13 BRUSSELS - Euro group finance ministers meet in Brussels TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 14 STOCKHOLM - Riksbank Governor Erik Thedéen will give a presentation and participate in a conversation about the economic situation and current monetary policy during a lunch seminar organized by the Stockholm Chamber of Commerce – 1400 GMT BRUSSELS - EU Finance ministers meet in Brussels WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 15 STOCKHOLM - Riksbank executive board meeting - 0800 GMT THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 16

** CLEVELAND - Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland President Loretta Mester speaks in person before the Financial Executives International Northeast Ohio Chapter - 2300 GMT. CLEVELAND - Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland President Loretta Mester speaks virtually before the Global Interdependence Center "Ukraine: One Year Later – Session I: Monetary Policy and Market Implications" event in Sarasota, Fla. - 1345 GMT. STOCKHOLM - Per Jansson, Deputy Governor of the Riksbank participates in a seminar together with Annika Alexius, Professor of Economics, and Elinor Odeberg, Chief Economist Arena Idea of the risks of continuing to raise or not raising interest rates – 0730 GMT OSLO - Norway Central Bank Governor Ida Wolden Bache gives her annual address "Economic perspectives" to the Supervisory Council of Norges Bank and invited guests – 1700 GMT. FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 17 STOCKHOLM - Riksbank general council meeting - 1200 GMT MONDAY, FEBRUARY 20 STOCKHOLM - Swedish Central Bank minutes from the Executive Board's monetary policy discussion will be published - 0830 GMT TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 21 STOCKHOLM - Martin Floden, Deputy Governor of the Riksbank will participate in the Money Talks conference and talk about the economic situation and current monetary policy – 0830 GMT PHILADELPHIA - Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia issues Non-manufacturing Business Outlook Survey for February – 1330 GMT. WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 22 STOCKHOLM - Erik Thedeen Governor of the Riksbank talks about the economic situation and current monetary policy at Housing Day 2023, which is organized by Fastighetsvärlden – 0800 GMT WASHINGTON DC - Federal Open Market Committee issues minutes from its meeting of Jan. 31-Feb. 1, 2023 – 1900 GMT. WELLINGTON - Reserve Bank of New Zealand holds Monetary Policy Statement - 0100 GMT BERLIN - Governing Council of the ECB holds non-monetary policy meeting in Finland WEDNESDAY, MARCH 1 STOCKHOLM - Riksbank executive board meeting - 0800 GMT FRIDAY, MARCH 3 STANFORD, California - Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond President Thomas Barkin speaks before the Stanford Institute for Economic Policy Research (SIEPR) 2023 Economic Summit - 2145 GMT. WEDNESDAY, MARCH 8 WASHINGTON DC - Federal Reserve issues the Beige Book – 1900 GMT. OTTAWA - Bank of Canada key policy interest rate announcement - 1500 GMT. THURSDAY, MARCH 9 WASHINGTON DC - Federal Reserve issues quarterly financial accounts of the United States– 1700 GMT. TOKYO - Bank of Japan holds Monetary Policy Meeting (to Mar. 10) MONDAY, MARCH 13 BRUSSELS - Euro group finance ministers meet in Brussels. TUESDAY, MARCH 14 BRUSSELS - EU Finance ministers meet in Brussels. TOKYO - Bank of Japan releases Minutes of Monetary Policy Meeting held on Jan. 17 and 18 - 2350 GMT WEDNESDAY, MARCH 15 LONDON - British finance minister Jeremy Hunt presents the UK government's budget and has commissioned the Office for Budget Responsibility to prepare an economic and fiscal forecast to go alongside it. STOCKHOLM - Riksbank executive board meeting - 0800 GMT THURSDAY, MARCH 16 FRANKFURT - ECB president Christine Lagarde speaks to reporters following the Governing Council's monetary policy meeting – 1345 GMT. BERLIN - Press conference following the Governing Council meeting of the ECB in Frankfurt - 1230 GMT BERLIN - Governing Council of the ECB holds monetary policy meeting in Frankfurt FRIDAY, MARCH 17 STOCKHOLM - Riksbank general council meeting - 1200 GMT SUNDAY, MARCH 19 TOKYO - Bank of Japan to release summary of opinions from board members at its Mar. 9-10 policy meeting - 2350 GMT TUESDAY, MARCH 21 PHILADELPHIA - Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia issues Nonmanufacturing Business Outlook Survey for March – 1230 GMT. WASHINGTON, D.C. - U.S. Federal Reserve's Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC) starts its two-day meeting on interest rates (to Mar. 22) WEDNESDAY, MARCH 22 WASHINGTON, D.C. - U.S. Federal Reserve's Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC) announces its decision on interest rates followed by statement - 1800 GMT WASHINGTON, D.C. - U.S. Federal Reserve chairperson holds a news conference THURSDAY, MARCH 23 BERN - Swiss National Bank (SNB) Monetary policy assessment with news conference - 0830 GMT OSLO - Norway Central Bank holds press conference - Interest rate decision and Monetary Policy Report 1/23 - 0930 GMT LONDON - Bank of England announces rate decision and publishes the minutes of the meeting, after the rate decision - 1200 GMT WEDNESDAY, MARCH 29 STOCKHOLM - Riksbank executive board meeting - 0700 GMT BERLIN - Governing Council of the ECB holds non-monetary policy meeting in Frankfurt THURSDAY, MARCH 30 ZURICH, Switzerland - Swiss National Bank Member of the Governing Board Andrea Maechler and Alternate Member of the Governing Board, Thomas Moser deliver Speech on Money Market Event – 1600 GMT. BERLIN - General Council meeting of the ECB in Frankfurt ---------------------------------------------------------------- NOTE: The inclusion of items in this diary does not necessarily mean that Reuters will file a story based on the event. For technical issues, please contact Thomson Reuters Customer Support (TRCS) at https://customers.reuters.com/kccontactus/telephone.aspx

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