Shane Jones unveils draft strategy for New Zealand's minerals sector

Minister Jones underscored the transformative potential of the minerals sector for New Zealand's economic future.

Devdiscourse News Desk | Blackball | Updated: 23-05-2024 17:47 IST | Created: 23-05-2024 17:47 IST
Shane Jones unveils draft strategy for New Zealand's minerals sector
Minister Jones underscored the transformative potential of the minerals sector for New Zealand's economic future. Image Credit: Wikimedia
  • Country:
  • New Zealand

Resources Minister Shane Jones today unveiled an ambitious draft strategy for New Zealand's minerals sector, aiming to increase national and regional prosperity, provide essential minerals for new technologies and the clean energy transition, and double the value of mineral exports.

Speaking at a community meeting in Blackball, the heart of New Zealand's mining country, Minister Jones emphasized the revitalization of communities with rich mining histories and the strategic utilization of the nation's mineral resources.

“Today, in the heart of mining country, I am telling Kiwis they are back in business. No longer will these communities with rich histories intertwined with mining be told they cannot utilize the rich mineral endowments contained in their land,” said Minister Jones.

He highlighted the need for a clear long-term strategic direction for the development of New Zealand's minerals estate. The newly proposed strategy outlines actions to secure and increase mineral supply, maximizing economic benefits and ensuring sustainable practices.

“My vision is that we change the prevailing mantra about mining to one that doesn’t begin and end with extraction but one that focuses on our mineral needs, economic opportunities, and our ability to deliver on this while benefiting our environment and communities,” Minister Jones stated.

The Draft Minerals Strategy for New Zealand to 2040, now open for consultation, proposes producing a critical minerals list for New Zealand and conducting a detailed stocktake of the country’s known mineral potential.

“The minerals sector is a small but productive part of New Zealand’s economy, worth $1.03 billion in mineral exports in 2022, providing more than 5000 direct jobs, supporting local businesses, and generating substantial revenue that funds infrastructure, healthcare, and education,” said Minister Jones.

The government aims to double the value of mineral exports to $2 billion by 2035. With the right strategic direction and policy settings, the mining sector is expected to boost regional job opportunities, increase national self-sufficiency, and support New Zealand's export-led growth.

“We are aspirational for the sector, aiming to double mineral exports value to $2b by 2035. With the right direction and settings, mining will continue to boost regional opportunities and jobs, increase our self-sufficiency, and be a critical part of this Government’s export-led focus, especially as we take advantage of the global opportunities for new minerals uses,” Minister Jones added.

Minister Jones underscored the transformative potential of the minerals sector for New Zealand's economic future. “I consider the minerals sector to be critical to the economic prosperity of New Zealand - it has been a transformative agent for our country in the past, and I expect it to play a transforming role into the future.”

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