East Asia Trade Titans Unite: Rekindling Economic Vitality

Business leaders from South Korea, China, and Japan have agreed to enhance trilateral cooperation to invigorate trade and stabilize supply chains. Their joint statement emphasized the urgency of this partnership amid slowing economies. Over 200 participants gathered in Seoul during the trilateral summit to discuss these critical issues.

Reuters | Seoul | Updated: 27-05-2024 09:24 IST | Created: 27-05-2024 09:24 IST
East Asia Trade Titans Unite: Rekindling Economic Vitality
business leaders
  • Country:
  • South Korea

Business leaders from South Korea, China and Japan have agreed to step up their trilateral cooperation in a bid to revitalise trade and stabilise supply chains, they said in a joint statement on Monday.

The joint statement said the three-way partnership had become a "more pressing task" after experiencing slowing economies in each country.

More than 200 participants from business and trade groups including South Korea's No.2 conglomerate SK Group chairman Chey Tae-won and Ren Hong-bin, a Chinese government official who heads the China Council for the Promotion of International Trade, gathered in Seoul on the sidelines of the trilateral summit between South Korea, China and Japan.

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