Sun emits intense solar flare; NASA telescope captures event images

Devdiscourse News Desk | California | Updated: 16-02-2024 23:02 IST | Created: 16-02-2024 21:25 IST


Gif Credit: NASA/SDO

On Friday, February 16, NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory (SDO) observed a strong solar flare - sudden, powerful bursts of radiation emitted by the Sun - that peaked at 1:53 a.m. EST. The images captured by the observatory show three subsets of extreme ultraviolet light that highlight the extremely hot material in solar flares.

When intense enough, solar flares can lead to disruptions in radio communications, affect electric power grids, interfere with navigation signals, and pose significant risks to spacecraft and astronauts. Solar flares are classified based on their brightness in X-ray wavelengths, with the classifications being A, B, C, M, and X, in order of increasing intensity.

This particular flare is classified as an X2.5 flare, with X-class denoting the most intense flares. The numerical value provides more information about its strength.

The Sun is approaching solar maximum - a period of intense solar activity during its natural 11-year cycle. During this time, we can expect an increase in the number and intensity of solar phenomena, including sunspots, solar flares and coronal mass ejections (CMEs).

NASA and other space weather monitoring agencies around the world keep a constant eye on the solar activity to predict and mitigate the effects of solar flares and related phenomena.

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