Omaxe Group Launches BeTogether: A New Era in Urban Development

Realty firm Omaxe Group has announced a Rs 2,800 crore investment to develop projects under its new brand, BeTogether, leveraging Public-Private Partnerships. The initiative aims to reshape urban and economic landscapes through joint ventures, with notable projects including upgrades to bus terminals in key cities in Uttar Pradesh.

Devdiscourse News Desk | New Delhi | Updated: 27-01-2025 17:03 IST | Created: 27-01-2025 17:03 IST
Omaxe Group Launches BeTogether: A New Era in Urban Development
  • Country:
  • India

Realty giant Omaxe Group has unveiled an ambitious initiative under its new brand, BeTogether, pledging an investment of Rs 2,800 crore. This strategic move aims to reshape urban and economic paradigms through collaborative real estate ventures.

The BeTogether brand focuses on enhancing urban infrastructure and economic development through joint ventures and Public-Private Partnerships (PPP). The brand's portfolio features the joint venture 'BeTogether Centre Point Vrindavan' and an ongoing collaboration with the Uttar Pradesh State Road Transport Corporation (UPSRTC) to modernize bus terminals across cities such as Lucknow, Ghaziabad, and Ayodhya.

With a robust presence in 31 cities and 8 states, fortified over 37 years, Omaxe Group continues its trajectory of growth. To date, it has delivered more than 1,350 lakh square feet of developmental area, solidifying its reputation in North and Central India.

(With inputs from agencies.)

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