How Instagram New Content Control Feature Can Cost Your Account Likes & How to Deal with That

Emilia Harris | Updated: 24-06-2022 15:15 IST | Created: 24-06-2022 15:15 IST
How Instagram New Content Control Feature Can Cost Your Account Likes & How to Deal with That
Image Credit: Alexander Shatov on Unsplash

Instagram's new Sensitive Content Control feature has many Insta users concerned that it will affect their traffic, likes, and other metrics. Insta touts the feature as giving users more control by allowing them to choose "More," "Standard," or "Less" sensitive content.

Unfortunately, the website's definition of "sensitive" content is vague. It includes everything from nudity to vaping, with no way for IG users to choose specific types of publications they do or don't want to see. For example, a user struggling with disordered eating might want to avoid ads for diet products but might not be bothered by nudity, guns, or vape pens (also considered sensitive).

Meanwhile, some Instagrammers complained that their content was designated as "sensitive" when it didn't really meet any of the criteria but gained not as many IG likes as before.

Aside from the sheer amount of new content each day, the Insta's algorithms favor already popular publications, making it harder to get started as a new or small account. This creates a high threshold for getting a picture or video seen – you need to get a lot of people to see it before the Insta algorithm puts it in more feeds so more users can see it!

Getting eyes on each post is easy if you're a celebrity who already has millions of Insta followers. But what if you're an average person trying to grow a following and get hearts on the site? You'll have a very hard time getting more than a handful of followers to see each publication unless you take the opportunity to buy 20 Instagram likes to get each new post seen.

And that's the case if your content isn't marked as "sensitive." Now imagine the added difficulty the new sensitivity features have caused for many Instagrammers who post about topics that IG chooses to limit. What can you do?

The Sensitive Content Control feature was initially only on the Explore page. Now it has been expanded to Reels, Stories, and every area where the site's algorithms make recommendations. It isn't very easy because getting any posts seen and more likes are already challenging. After all, the place is so crowded.

As of 2021, Instagram had

  • more than one billion active users;
  • 95 million photos and videos are uploaded each day;
  • millions of IG likes;
  • more than half of these active users go to Insta on a daily basis – that's a little over 500 million people.

Because fewer people may see your content if Insta deems it "sensitive," it's essential to have a strategy for growing audience engagement. Here are some other ideas for beating the new feature:

Make an Instruction Video Showing Followers How to Adjust Their Settings So They Can See Your Content

  • With screen capture and brief verbal instructions, you can make something short and simple for Reels.
  • Explain the type of IG posts you post that may get caught in sensitivity filters and receive fewer likes. Since some viewers may not realize, these can include tattoos, guns, and content showing cosmetic procedures. Even some posts attempt to sell supplements, diet products, or smoking products.
  • Avoid including sensitive content in the videos so more people will see it, and you will get more Instagram impressions.
  • Repost once a month or pin it to your Insta profile.

Choose Your Best Posts to Focus on Promotion

First, figure out what your best posts are and when they happen. To do this, remember that Instagram Insights is a great tool, and follow these steps:

  • Ideally, you should post 3-7 times a week, although some IG users find that multiple posts per day work better for them. This can vary depending on your publications and audience, and you should also use Insta's Insights feature to learn the best times to post.
  • Not every publication will land with your audience, but Insights can also tell you what kind of post is most famous – Reels, Stories, pictures of cats, posts about cars, etc.
  • Find as many predictors of success as you can and pick the posts with the best chance of drawing in your target market and receiving more impressions.
  • Once you have all this worked out, take the opportunity to buy Instagram likes on a well-designed, well-timed publication using your best hashtags.

Post Some Content That Doesn't Contain "Sensitive" Images

For various reasons, some Instagram users will keep their "More" settings even if it causes them to miss posts they want to see. Including some non-limited content will allow you to get noticed even by users who maintain their "limited" settings. Ideally, post at least one non-sensitive photo or video a day.

Post Frequently and Always Reply to Commenters

This will help promote your posts and get more of them in the feeds of people who have seen your existing posts and more IG likes. If you get a lot of replies and can't respond to all of them, consider at least replying with emojis to most of the comments.

At the same time, it's a good idea to stimulate conversation by asking a question of your viewers. For example, you can upload a video, explain more about it or give your opinion. Then at the end, ask your audience to let you know what they think in the comments below. If you're struggling or have plateaued in your progress, buying Instagram likes is handy for a quick boost.

Interact With Other Accounts Who Post Similar "Sensitive" Content to Yours

In general, engaging with other IG accounts that post on similar topics is an excellent way to encourage people with similar interests to follow your profile and look at your pictures. In this situation, it's even more helpful for limited content. Other Insta users who post, say, pictures of smoking products probably have their filters set to "More" and will be able to see your posts.

Consider Warning Your Audience About Sensitive Images Using a Carousel Post

Suppose you have some sensitive content that may be upsetting to certain Insta viewers. In that case, you can create a carousel post and publish a trigger warning content warning on the first image. For example, "Paintings contain nudity," "References to warning signs of domestic violence," etc. That would help you escape losing IG likes.

Therefore, Instagram users can decide if they want to swipe through or not. This will help Instagram viewers who may have their settings on "More" but would prefer not to see very specific sensitive content. It also gives users fewer reasons to change their sensitivity settings to "More" in the first place.

Join Other Businesses in Promotion Posts

Suppose you're using IG to promote your business or yourself as an influencer. In that case, it may feel like you're isolated, but you're not. There are other people just like you in the same industry also trying to get more likes. Try this collaborative trend to get started:

  • Combination posts where several users get together and all post the same image are great ways to get hearts.
  • These pictures can advertise a contest or giveaway or offer something free like an ebook to get Insta viewers interested.
  • You can encourage the audience to tag friends for more chances to win.

How do you find other businesses like yours on Instagram? Try these ideas:

  • You can search using local hashtags if you have a brick-and-mortar location.
  • For online businesses, you might look up IG hashtags for your industry.
  • For example, if you're a writer promoting your books, you might find and follow other authors in your genre. You may see existing combination posts this way. When you do, DM the host and ask how you can participate in future collaboration.

With these recommendations, you will be able to get more Instagram likes in spite of the new sensitivity controls at Insta. Getting instant hearts helps alert the IG algorithms that your post is hot, and it will then place the publication in more user feeds, stimulating organic engagement as well!

(Devdiscourse's journalists were not involved in the production of this article. The facts and opinions appearing in the article do not reflect the views of Devdiscourse and Devdiscourse does not claim any responsibility for the same.)

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