India and EU Host First Technology Foresight Knowledge Exchange
The online session brought together 46 domain experts to foster cross-learning and knowledge-building between the technology foresight communities of India and the EC-JRC.

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- India
The Office of the Principal Scientific Adviser to the Government of India (Office of PSA) and the European Commission's Joint Research Centre (EC-JRC) hosted a knowledge exchange on Technology Foresight on June 18, 2024. The online session brought together 46 domain experts to foster cross-learning and knowledge-building between the technology foresight communities of India and the EC-JRC. This inaugural session focused on methodological approaches used in foresight exercises.
In the inaugural remarks, Dr. Parvinder Maini, Scientific Secretary, Office of PSA, emphasized the critical role of the Office in providing science advice and the importance of the transdisciplinary nature of Technology Foresight in policy exercises. She highlighted the Office’s efforts to strengthen domestic foresight capabilities, including forming a task force on technology foresight. H.E. Mr. Herve Delphin, Ambassador, Delegation of the European Union to India, underscored how this knowledge exchange will enhance the existing bilateral engagement between India and the EU through impactful joint initiatives.
The first segment of presentations featured insights from the European Commission - Joint Research Centre. Dr. Thomas Hemmelgarn, Head of Unit at the EU Policy Lab: Foresight, Design & Behavioural Insights, outlined various foresight activities undertaken by the EU Policy Lab. Dr. Anne-Katrin Bock, Team Leader & Senior Expert, discussed the processes for creating foresight documents and roadmaps, while Dr. Antonia Mochan, Policy Analyst, detailed the methodological approaches, tools, and techniques used in technology forecasting exercises.
From the Indian perspective, Prof. Krishna Kumar Balaraman, Head of the Centre for Technology Foresight and Policy at IIT Jodhpur, presented on foresight exercises in technology sectors such as telecommunication and FinTech. Prof. Gagandeep Kang, Director of Global Health at the Gates Foundation, highlighted the importance of foresight in the health sector. Prof. Urbasi Sinha from the Raman Research Institute, Bengaluru, emphasized advancing quantum frontiers through foresight, and Prof. Gufran Beig from the National Institute of Advanced Studies (NIAS), Bengaluru, shared foresight practices in meteorology.
The forum featured dynamic discussions and exchanges among experts from both sides. Dr. Liliana Pasecinic, Deputy Head of Unit (International Partnerships and Multilateral Initiatives), Joint Research Centre, European Commission, concluded the session with summary remarks. This session marks the first in a series of international knowledge exchange sessions aimed at advancing in-house technology foresight capabilities. The OPSA task force on technology foresight aims to synergize the foresight ecosystem in India and expand knowledge activities with key international partners.