World Bank Report Emphasizes Urgent Need for Improved Water Security

The report, titled "Water for Shared Prosperity," underscores the alarming global trends of increasing water scarcity and the lack of basic sanitation facilities.

Devdiscourse News Desk | Washington DC | Updated: 20-05-2024 12:38 IST | Created: 20-05-2024 12:38 IST
World Bank Report Emphasizes Urgent Need for Improved Water Security
Image Credit: Unsplash

A recent report released by the World Bank highlights the critical importance of access to safe drinking water and sanitation for both human and economic development. The report, titled "Water for Shared Prosperity," underscores the alarming global trends of increasing water scarcity and the lack of basic sanitation facilities.

According to the report, over the past two decades, the number of people lacking safe drinking water and basic sanitation has risen significantly, with over two billion people still lacking access to safe drinking water and 3.5 billion deprived of safely managed sanitation facilities. This lack of access contributes to the spread of infectious diseases, resulting in approximately 1.4 million annual deaths and widespread malnutrition.

The impact of inadequate access to safe water and sanitation is particularly severe in childhood, affecting early childhood development and leading to disruptions in education due to time spent fetching water and sanitation-related issues. Climate change exacerbates water-related risks, with developing countries bearing the brunt of climate shocks, including severe droughts and floods.

“To improve livelihoods, significant reforms and investments are needed to provide efficiently managed water and sanitation services to those without access, and to strengthen resilience against hydro-climatic risks,” stated Manuela V. Ferro, World Bank Vice President for East Asia and the Pacific.

The report offers specific recommendations to enhance water security in developing countries, including international cooperation to protect depleting aquifers, implementing nature-based solutions such as reforestation, and investing in water storage infrastructure. It also emphasizes the importance of policies to upgrade housing and land use regulations to mitigate flood risks, as well as early warning systems and insurance to help communities cope with extreme weather events.

Moreover, the report highlights the need for reforms in water tariffs and subsidies to ensure fair allocation of water resources, as well as enhancing the efficiency of service providers and promoting private sector involvement in water management.

A spotlight section of the report showcases Indonesia's efforts in addressing water security challenges, including investments in dam infrastructure, community-based water supply programs, and initiatives to reduce pollution in river basins.

Overall, the report calls for concerted efforts and investments to address water security challenges, emphasizing the importance of access to safe water and sanitation for achieving sustainable development and shared prosperity.  

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