WHO Report Exposes Tobacco Industry Tactics Targeting Youth

Released ahead of World No Tobacco Day on May 31st, the report underscores the urgent need to protect youth from becoming targets of the tobacco and nicotine industry's predatory practices.

Devdiscourse News Desk | Geneva | Updated: 24-05-2024 14:50 IST | Created: 24-05-2024 14:50 IST
WHO Report Exposes Tobacco Industry Tactics Targeting Youth
Representative image Image Credit: ANI

The World Health Organization (WHO) and STOP, a global tobacco industry watchdog, have jointly released a report titled “Hooking the next generation,” revealing the insidious tactics employed by the tobacco and nicotine industry to addict young people worldwide.

Released ahead of World No Tobacco Day on May 31st, the report underscores the urgent need to protect youth from becoming targets of the tobacco and nicotine industry's predatory practices.

The report highlights alarming statistics, indicating that an estimated 37 million children aged 13–15 years globally use tobacco, with e-cigarette use among adolescents surpassing that of adults in many countries. In the WHO European Region alone, 20% of 15-year-olds surveyed reported using e-cigarettes in the past 30 days.

Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, WHO Director-General, condemned the industry's tactics, likening them to a "candy-flavoured trap" designed to ensnare children. He emphasized the urgent need for regulations to protect young people from a lifetime of harmful dependence.

Dr. Ruediger Krech, Director of Health Promotion at WHO, echoed this sentiment, denouncing the industry's use of child-friendly flavours and designs intended to appeal directly to children.

The report calls for robust regulations, including bans or tight regulations on tobacco and nicotine products, 100% smoke-free indoor public places, bans on flavoured e-cigarettes, and increased public awareness campaigns.

Jorge Alday, Director of STOP at Vital Strategies, emphasized the industry's relentless pursuit of profits at the expense of youth health, urging policy makers to take decisive action to prevent future generations from falling victim to addiction.

Youth advocates worldwide are mobilizing against the tobacco industry's influence, exposing deceptive practices and advocating for their tobacco-free future. Recognizing their efforts, Dr. Tedros honored youth organizations from Thailand, Nigeria, and Argentina with the 2024 World No Tobacco Day Awards for their exemplary leadership in protecting their peers from industry manipulation.

Dr. Tedros emphasized the collective responsibility of governments, public health organizations, civil society, and empowered youth in creating a world free from the dangers of tobacco and nicotine addiction.

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