Ramaphosa Signs Bills to Tackle Corruption and Gender-Based Violence

President Ramaphosa called for a more coordinated and resourceful national effort to eradicate violence against women and children, expressing confidence that the newly established council will enhance these efforts.

Devdiscourse News Desk | Pretoria | Updated: 24-05-2024 21:11 IST | Created: 24-05-2024 21:11 IST
Ramaphosa Signs Bills to Tackle Corruption and Gender-Based Violence
Image Credit: Wikipedia
  • Country:
  • South Africa

As South Africa commemorates 30 years of democracy, President Cyril Ramaphosa has highlighted ongoing challenges that hinder the nation's progress toward true freedom and equality. Speaking at the Union Buildings during a ceremony to sign the National Council on Gender-Based Violence and Femicide (GBVF) Bill and the National Prosecuting Authority (NPA) Amendment Bill into law, President Ramaphosa underscored the dual scourges of corruption and gender-based violence as major impediments.

He emphasized that corruption and gender-based violence not only violate human dignity but also impede South Africa's development. Ramaphosa stated, “These forms of criminality are holding our country back and preventing us from realising our full potential.”

The National Council on Gender-Based Violence and Femicide is designed to provide strategic leadership and coordinate efforts against GBV and femicide, involving multiple sectors including civil society, labor, and business. This council, a resolution from the 2018 Presidential Summit on GBVF, aims to enhance the national response to these issues.

Significant progress since the first summit includes the development of a National Strategic Plan (NSP) on GBV, the establishment of the Women's Economic Assembly, and the allocation of R21 billion for the NSP's implementation, which covers six key pillars including women's economic empowerment. New legislation has been enacted to fortify the criminal justice system's response to GBV, leading to the establishment of Thuthuzela Care Centres, Sexual Offences Courts, and victim-friendly rooms at police stations. These measures have improved conviction rates and sentencing for GBV cases.

President Ramaphosa called for a more coordinated and resourceful national effort to eradicate violence against women and children, expressing confidence that the newly established council will enhance these efforts.

The NPA Amendment Bill, which makes the Investigating Directorate within the NPA a permanent entity, aims to bolster the fight against corruption. This directorate, established five years ago, has made significant strides, including taking 39 state capture and corruption cases to court and securing convictions for nearly 700 government officials. Additionally, the NPA’s Asset Forfeiture Unit has preserved state capture assets worth over R14 billion, with over R6 billion recovered.

The new Investigating Directorate against corruption will be a prosecution-led agency with full criminal investigative powers, allowing for the recruitment and retention of specialized skills necessary for prosecuting complex corruption cases. President Ramaphosa also announced the creation of a Digital Evidence Unit to enhance the identification and analysis of digital evidence.

In conclusion, President Ramaphosa urged all stakeholders—government, business, labor, and civil society—to support these new entities and the broader fight against corruption and gender-based violence.  

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