Aircraft experiences technical difficulties at Australian airport, emergency services attend

Emergency services attended Newcastle Airport after reports of an aircraft with mechanical issues. A light plane reportedly had landing gear failure and burned fuel before an emergency landing, with witnesses seeing ambulance crews respond. No further details are available yet.

PTI | Melbourne | Updated: 13-05-2024 07:51 IST | Created: 13-05-2024 07:51 IST
Aircraft experiences technical difficulties at Australian airport, emergency services attend
  • Country:
  • Australia

Emergency services were called to Newcastle Airport north of Sydney following "reports of an aircraft with mechanical issues" on Monday, police said.

A police statement said no further details were known at this stage.

Australian Broadcasting Corp. reported a light plane was burning off fuel before making an emergency landing after its landing gear failed.

ABC reported witnesses said ambulance crews rushed to the scene.

A New South Wales Ambulance official said ambulances were at the scene but referred requests for details to New South Wales Police.

The police media unit issued a statement about 90 minutes after emergency services were called to respond.

Newcastle Airport did not immediately respond to a request for comment.

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