The Sims 5: Know what new features fifth game will have, get other latest updates

Devdiscourse News Desk | Los Angeles | Updated: 23-04-2020 15:40 IST | Created: 23-04-2020 15:40 IST
The Sims 5: Know what new features fifth game will have, get other latest updates
Albeit The Sims 5 is still in its conceptual phase, it is reported to be going cloud-based and likely to feature a brand-new multiplayer component. Image Credit: Facebook / The Sims 4
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When is The Sims 5 going to be released? The videogame enthusiasts have been waiting to know the release date of The Sims 5 for a long time. Read the texts below to get the latest information on the 'possible' fifth installment.

Albeit The Sims 5 is still in its conceptual phase, it is reported to be going cloud-based and likely to feature a brand-new multiplayer component. The Sims 4 may be getting plenty of updates including expansions, but it’s time for the Electronic Arts to step up their game and focus the new game into the market. The Chief Executive Officer of Electronic Arts, Andrew Wilson hinted that new Sims franchise is in the pipeline.

During Electronic Art's Q3 FY20 earning calls, Andrew Wilson offered the closest thing to a confirmation that The Sims 5 is indeed on the cards, as reported by CCN. Andrew Wilson also hinted that the next entry in the franchise may incorporate both single-player and multiplayer components. This he said while he was questioned about the chances of relaunching an online version of The Sims based on its current popularity.

“Typically, what The Sims has done is really focus on fulfilling the motivations of inspirations, escape, creation, self-improvement, and not necessarily focus as much on social interaction and competition,” Wilson said.  From his statement, we get the clarity that The Sims 5 is in production.

The spread of coronavirus pandemic across the world has stopped all the entertainment projects. Thus, currently we can’t expect any latest announcement on the making and release of the fifth game. The release for The Sims 5 is unlikely to be released in 2020.

According to Otakukart, The Sims 5 will support major online features that will allow the players to connect with their friends and sync their game seamlessly. Even the features of The Sims 4 will be revamped with open-world gameplay along with full support to the customization of characters, vehicles and more.

On the other hand, the fifth game will not have any loading screen and the gamers need to drive their own customized cars in the open world. Some new alterations in the inter-relationships of the characters are also expected.

Stay tuned to Devdiscourse to get the latest updates on The Sims 5 and other video games.

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