Correctional Services Prepared for Inmate Voting in 2024 Elections

Additionally, comprehensive voter education programs have been conducted to ensure that inmates are well-informed about their rights and the voting procedures.

Devdiscourse News Desk | Pretoria | Updated: 24-05-2024 18:16 IST | Created: 24-05-2024 18:16 IST
Correctional Services Prepared for Inmate Voting in 2024 Elections
The department further assured that inmates registered before admission to a correctional center would not be denied the opportunity to cast their votes. Image Credit: Twitter(@SAgovnews)
  • Country:
  • South Africa

The Department of Correctional Services (DCS) has affirmed its readiness for the upcoming 2024 National and Provincial Elections, to be conducted by the Independent Electoral Commission (IEC) next Wednesday.

With 14,753 inmates registered to vote in correctional facilities, the DCS has collaborated closely with the IEC to ensure meticulous planning and execution of all logistical aspects of the voting process. According to the department, this collaboration has resulted in the provision of secure voting booths, ballot papers, and other essential logistics at correctional facilities, fostering a conducive environment for the electoral process.

Additionally, comprehensive voter education programs have been conducted to ensure that inmates are well-informed about their rights and the voting procedures.

Justice and Correctional Services Minister Ronald Lamola emphasized the importance of these measures, stating, "The measures we have put in place are designed to ensure that eligible inmates can exercise their right to vote in a secure and transparent manner. Hence, this initiative marks a significant step forward in ensuring that our democratic processes are inclusive and just."

Section 24 B of the Electoral Act enables prisoners to vote in elections for the National Assembly or provincial legislatures. As per this provision, inmates whose names appear on the voter's roll for another district are deemed eligible to vote, even if they are in prison on Election Day.

The department further assured that inmates registered before admission to a correctional center would not be denied the opportunity to cast their votes. Measures will be implemented to manage the transfer, release, or placement of inmates on the voting date, ensuring their right to vote is upheld.

Independent observers will be permitted to monitor the election process within correctional facilities, in accordance with the guidelines of the Independent Electoral Commission. However, due to limited space and security considerations, political parties will be limited to two representatives each for the observation of the voting process.

The department's proactive approach underscores its commitment to facilitating the democratic participation of all eligible citizens, including those in correctional facilities, in the electoral process.   

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