Trump is the king of hypocrisy, says Haley Campaign

He rants and raves about Nikki Haleys campaign supporters but a new report from RealClearPolitics analyzed Donald Trumps FEC filings and revealed a long list of Democrat mega donors who actively funded candidates like Chuck Schumer and Hillary Clinton, the Haley Campaign said in a statement.While Nikki Haley was passing conservative policies as governor, Donald Trump was donating to liberals like Hillary Clinton and Kamala Harris.

PTI | Washington DC | Updated: 07-02-2024 07:30 IST | Created: 07-02-2024 07:30 IST
Trump is the king of hypocrisy, says Haley Campaign
  • Country:
  • United States

Former US president Donald Trump, the leading Republican presidential candidate, is the ''king of hypocrisy'', the campaign of his sole GOP challenger Nikki Haley alleged Tuesday, intensifying the war of words between the two camps.

''Trump is the king of hypocrisy. He rants and raves about Nikki Haley's campaign supporters but a new report from RealClearPolitics analyzed Donald Trump's FEC filings and revealed a long list of Democrat mega donors who actively funded candidates like Chuck Schumer and Hillary Clinton,'' the Haley Campaign said in a statement.

''While Nikki Haley was passing conservative policies as governor, Donald Trump was donating to liberals like Hillary Clinton and Kamala Harris. Now liberal Democrats are returning the favour and funding his campaign,'' said Haley communications director Nachama Soloveichik.

''Donald Trump was a New York City liberal longer than he's been a so-called Republican. Turns out he is also the biggest hypocrite,'' she said.

Haley Campaign's attack on Trump comes after the former president's campaign alleged that she is broke. ''Nikki Haley and her have has hit some hard times so she's searching for anyone who can fund her pipedream — even if it means begging Democrats to buoy her candidacy,'' said Steven Cheung, Trump spokesperson.

''Her entire political existence hinges on Democrats giving her money and invading Republican elections. When their scheme was exposed, Haley trotted out her campaign manager on a press call to do damage control to explain why they are now beholden to Liberal super donors Reid Hoffman and Matt Cohler,'' Steven said.

''It is clear to see that Haley's campaign is just one giant grift to either build her name ID for life after politics or to audition for a cable news contributor contract with Fake News. By the time the Nevada caucus happens on Thursday, she will be a three-time loser walking a lonely path to her sweet state of South Carolina where the people she represented will reject her,'' he said.

Meanwhile, Nikki Haley for President released a new ad titled ''Blessed'', contrasting Donald Trump's ''age, chaos, and toxicity'' with Nikki Haley's ''new generation of conservative leadership'' and her track record of bucking the establishment.

"It is no secret that Donald Trump is not the same candidate he was eight years ago,'' said Haley spokesperson Olivia Perez-Cubas.

''And his tirades and temper tantrums are more frequent and more unhinged. The vast majority of Americans don't want another politician in his eighties who is more focused on his own drama than saving our country. Nikki Haley has always put taxpayers first, and that''s what she will do as president,'' she said.

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