IAEA Confirms Tritium Levels in TEPCO's ALPS Treated Water Below Operational Limit

A comprehensive report issued by the IAEA on July 4, 2023, affirmed Japan's plan for handling the treated water as compliant with international safety standards, ensuring negligible radiological impact on both people and the environment.

Devdiscourse News Desk | Updated: 21-05-2024 13:36 IST | Created: 21-05-2024 13:36 IST
IAEA Confirms Tritium Levels in TEPCO's ALPS Treated Water Below Operational Limit
Image Credit: Wikipedia

International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) experts have verified that the tritium concentration in the sixth batch of diluted ALPS treated water, discharged by the Tokyo Electric Power Company (TEPCO) starting May 17, is well below Japan's operational limit.

The IAEA, stationed at the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station (FDNPS), conducted independent on-site analysis and confirmed that the tritium levels in the discharged water are significantly below the operational limit of 1500 becquerels per litre.

Japan has been releasing ALPS-treated water from the FDNPS in batches, with the IAEA previously confirming that tritium concentrations in the first five batches, amounting to 38,900 cubic meters of water, also remained below operational limits.

A comprehensive report issued by the IAEA on July 4, 2023, affirmed Japan's plan for handling the treated water as compliant with international safety standards, ensuring negligible radiological impact on both people and the environment.

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