International Court Labels Oceanic Greenhouse Gases as Marine Pollution

An international court has determined that greenhouse gas emissions absorbed by the ocean are considered marine pollution. Nations must protect marine environments, surpassing the Paris Agreement requirements. The ITLOS in Germany's advisory opinion could influence future legal climate change cases.

Reuters | Hamburg | Updated: 21-05-2024 16:45 IST | Created: 21-05-2024 16:45 IST
International Court Labels Oceanic Greenhouse Gases as Marine Pollution
  • Country:
  • Germany

An international court said on Tuesday greenhouse gas emissions absorbed by the ocean were considered marine pollution, and nations are obliged to protect marine environments by going further than the requirements of the Paris climate agreement.

The International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea (ITLOS) in Hamburg, Germany, gave its advisory opinion on whether countries have a responsibility to reduce emissions and fight climate change - a judgement that could give legal leverage to future climate cases.

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