IAEA Head Highlights Finland’s Leadership in Nuclear Energy and Waste Management

Finland is nearing the completion of the world’s first geological disposal facility, ONKALO, located in Olkiluoto near the country’s southwest coast.

Devdiscourse News Desk | Geneva | Updated: 23-05-2024 11:44 IST | Created: 23-05-2024 11:44 IST
IAEA Head Highlights Finland’s Leadership in Nuclear Energy and Waste Management
“Collaboration is key to unlocking nuclear’s potential in meeting energy and environmental goals,” Mr. Grossi emphasized. Image Credit: Twitter(@elinavaltonen)

IAEA Director General Rafael Mariano Grossi visited Finland this week, engaging in high-level discussions with President Alexander Stubb on nuclear policies, non-proliferation, and the situation in Ukraine. During his visit, Mr. Grossi also participated in the Nordic Nuclear Forum in Helsinki, where he emphasized Finland's significant support for the peaceful uses of nuclear energy, a core aspect of the IAEA’s mission.

In his address at the Nordic Nuclear Forum, Mr. Grossi spoke about the critical role of nuclear energy in addressing climate change and underscored the importance of the IAEA's efforts to ensure the safe and secure deployment of nuclear technology.

“As the environmental crisis escalates, nuclear power stands as a sustainable energy source that can significantly reduce emissions,” he stated.

Finland is nearing the completion of the world’s first geological disposal facility, ONKALO, located in Olkiluoto near the country’s southwest coast. Mr. Grossi highlighted this facility as a leading example of effective nuclear waste management, noting, “Unlike fossil fuels, nuclear energy doesn’t burn its waste into the air, avoiding contributions to extreme weather and global warming. Finland, with its ONKALO, is a prime example of effective nuclear waste management.”

During his two-day visit, Mr. Grossi also met with Finland’s Minister for Foreign Affairs, Elina Valtonen, and Sakari Puisto, Chairperson of the Commerce Committee, to discuss Finland’s peaceful nuclear programme. He engaged with Finnish energy leaders on topics such as small modular reactors (SMRs), fusion energy, responsible waste solutions, and the need for increased financing for nuclear projects.

“Collaboration is key to unlocking nuclear’s potential in meeting energy and environmental goals,” Mr. Grossi emphasized.

At the Nordic Nuclear Forum, Mr. Grossi also met with representatives from the Women in Nuclear Finland group. Additionally, he visited Finland’s radiation and nuclear safety authority (STUK), where he praised STUK’s Director General Petteri Tiippana for the authority’s commitment to nuclear safety, which he described as setting a global benchmark for best practices in the nuclear sector. The visit included discussions with STUK’s management, interactions with its personnel, and tours of the authority’s laboratories and emergency centre.   

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