Unilever's Cosmetic Boom Amid Crisis

Unilever reports a significant rise in demand for its high-end cosmetics brands despite a widespread cost of living crisis. This surge contrasts sharply with the performance of its mass-market food, soap, and detergent products. The company remains optimistic about navigating economic challenges.

Reuters | Updated: 27-05-2024 05:27 IST | Created: 27-05-2024 05:27 IST
Unilever's Cosmetic Boom Amid Crisis
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The following are the top stories in the Financial Times. Reuters has not verified these stories and does not vouch for their accuracy. Headlines

- Unilever enjoys surge in demand for high-end cosmetic brands - HSBC considers giving graduates jobs in China and India after UK offers pulled

- Rishi Sunak doubles down on national service plan as Tory discontent mounts - Twelve injured after Qatar Airways flight hits turbulence

Overview - Demand for Unilever's high-end cosmetic brands has surged despite the cost of living crisis in contrast to its mass-market businesses in food, soap and detergent, says Vasiliki Petrou, chief executive of Unilever Prestige.

- Foreign graduates in the UK who had job offers revoked by HSBC after the government tightened visa rules have been told that they could be offered roles in mainland China, India and Poland. - British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak will double down on his plan to revive compulsory national service in the UK on Monday.

- Twelve people were injured as a result of turbulence during a Qatar Airways flight from Doha to Ireland, Dublin Airport said on Sunday. (Compiled by Bengaluru newsroom)

(This story has not been edited by Devdiscourse staff and is auto-generated from a syndicated feed.)

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