Kodi Wins Cannes' Top Dog Award

Kodi, the star of the French comedy 'Dog on Trial,' received the Palm Dog award at Cannes. The Griffon mix's performance as Cosmos, a guide dog on trial, earned him high praise. The award came with much tail-wagging and face-licking at the ceremony.

Reuters | Updated: 25-05-2024 18:29 IST | Created: 25-05-2024 18:29 IST
Kodi Wins Cannes' Top Dog Award

Following is a summary of current odd news briefs.

Kodi, star of 'Dog on Trial,' takes home Cannes' top dog prize

There was lots of tail-wagging and face-licking as Kodi, this year's winner of the Palm Dog, the canine equivalent of the Cannes Film Festival's top prize, went up to receive his red collar for the French comedy "Dog on Trial" on Friday. The Griffon mix was praised for his "breathtaking" performance as Cosmos, a guide dog for a visually impaired man, who goes on trial over an attack, in a case whose outcome could mean death.

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