Indian Air Force Launches 24/7 Emergency Medical Response System

The system was launched by Air Chief Marshal VR Chaudhari, Chief of the Air Staff, at Command Hospital Air Force Bangalore (CHAFB).

Devdiscourse News Desk | New Delhi | Updated: 22-05-2024 17:55 IST | Created: 22-05-2024 17:55 IST
Indian Air Force Launches 24/7 Emergency Medical Response System
Image Credit: Twitter(@IAF_MCC)
  • Country:
  • India

To provide expert guidance and definitive care during medical emergencies for serving personnel and their families, the Indian Air Force (IAF) inaugurated an Emergency Medical Response System (EMRS) on May 21, 2024. The system was launched by Air Chief Marshal VR Chaudhari, Chief of the Air Staff, at Command Hospital Air Force Bangalore (CHAFB).

The EMRS is the first 24/7 telephonic medical helpline dedicated to IAF personnel and their families across India. It aims to ensure a prompt response from a team of medical and paramedical professionals to any caller experiencing a medical emergency anywhere in the country. The medical professional responding to the call will provide immediate advice while coordinating with the nearest IAF medical facility to dispatch support if needed. This initiative underscores the IAF's commitment to leveraging technology for high-quality healthcare delivery during emergencies, with the primary goal of saving lives.

The launch event featured a demonstration of the system's capabilities, showcasing how easily expert guidance can be provided to distressed callers and how quickly a medical support team can be mobilized from the nearest facility.

Air Chief Marshal VR Chaudhari, who envisioned the EMRS, emphasized its significance, stating, "This initiative is not just a milestone for the Indian Air Force but a significant advancement in medical readiness, representing a critical step forward in our ongoing efforts to provide immediate and expert medical care during emergencies."  

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