New Zealand Police Minister Mark Mitchell will meet with Australian Police Ministers and Commissioners at the Police Ministers Council (PMC) in Melbourne today. The meeting aims to strengthen cooperation between New Zealand and Australian law enforcement on a variety of key issues.
“The council provides an opportunity to discuss shared challenges, gain insights, and explore different approaches to law enforcement across our countries,” said Mr. Mitchell.
New Zealand Police maintain strong ties with their Australian counterparts, both at the state and federal levels. Mr. Mitchell highlighted the importance of the forum for exchanging ideas and learning from each other’s experiences. One such instance is the gang patch ban in Western Australia, which inspired New Zealand to adopt similar measures.
The meeting comes as New Zealand Police refocus on Core Policing services. Following the Minister’s directive to return to community-based policing, Community Beat Teams have started patrolling major city streets. Additionally, the recalibration of the approach to family harm incidents, particularly those without an immediate risk of harm, has become a priority for New Zealand Police.
"This challenge is also being felt across the ditch," Mr. Mitchell said, noting the growing demands on police resources in both countries. He looks forward to sharing New Zealand’s back-to-basics approach to policing at the council.
Topics at the meeting will include gender-based violence, family harm, youth offending, anti-money laundering, and firearms control.