Litmus test for President Muizzu as Maldives goes to polls amidst regional power dynamics

4, and Maldives National Party MNP 2 nominees, news portal reported.The election is crucial for Muizzu, seen as a pro-China politician, as just a few days ahead of the polls, the opposition parties demanded a probe and impeachment of the president following a leaked report of his alleged corruption from 2018, a charge dismissed by him.

PTI | Updated: 21-04-2024 19:49 IST | Created: 21-04-2024 19:30 IST
Litmus test for President Muizzu as Maldives goes to polls amidst regional power dynamics
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  • Country:
  • Maldives

4, and Maldives National Party (MNP) 2 nominees, news portal reported.

The election is crucial for Muizzu, seen as a pro-China politician, as just a few days ahead of the polls, the opposition parties demanded a probe and impeachment of the president following a leaked report of his alleged corruption from 2018, a charge dismissed by him. Besides, since Muizzu came to office, lawmakers have blocked three of his nominees to the cabinet.

Muizzu cast his vote at the polling station in Thaajuddin School at 8:40 am. Speaking to reporters after casting the ballot, he urged every citizen to exercise their right to vote as soon as possible, news portal reported.

''Voting is a constitutional right and responsibility afforded to every citizen. All citizens should come out and exercise their right to vote as soon as possible. It is the responsibility of eligible voters to not wait until evening and quickly attend their respective polling stations to cast ballots,'' he said.

No major issues or complaints were noted during the voting, the EC said.

''Nothing major has been noted as a complaint up until now. There have been complaints about showing ballot papers. That is, complaints about ballots put in the box without being folded,'' Hassan Zakariyya, EC member and spokesperson, was quoted as saying by Adhadhu news portal.

Such complaints have also been few, he said.

Former President Ibrahim Mohamed Solih, who now serves as a top advisor at the main opposition MDP, cast his ballot at a polling station in Male. Speaking to reporters outside the polling station, Solih says he sees MDP winning a clear majority in the election, news portal reported.

“We hope the MDP will be able to secure a good majority by the end of today’s voting. We have been seeing this happening today and during the campaign,” he said.

The election in the Maldives also came amidst deteriorating ties between the archipelago nation and India since Muizzu, 45, assumed power in November last year. During last year's presidential election, he had maintained a strident anti-India stand.

While India was forced to withdraw most of its military personnel manning three aviation platforms in the country, Muizzu travelled to China in January and met top Chinese leaders, including President Xi Jinping. China and the Maldives also signed a defence cooperation agreement and several other infrastructure development projects.

The Maldives is India’s key maritime neighbour in the Indian Ocean Region (IOR) and occupies a special place in its initiatives like ‘SAGAR’ (Security and Growth for All in the Region) and the ‘Neighbourhood First Policy’ of the Indian government. On the other hand, China is expanding its footprints in IOR through its 'debt trap' diplomacy and ‘String of Pearls' approach, a strategic initiative to create a network of military and commercial establishments in countries falling on the Indian Ocean.

(This story has not been edited by Devdiscourse staff and is auto-generated from a syndicated feed.)

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