Science News Roundup: India's offer to privatise rocket has 20 potential bidders

Devdiscourse News Desk | Updated: 29-07-2023 10:44 IST | Created: 29-07-2023 10:29 IST
Science News Roundup: India's offer to privatise rocket has 20 potential bidders
Representative Image Image Credit: Twitter (@NASA)

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India's offer to privatise rocket has 20 potential bidders

The Indian government's effort to privatise part of its space programme by opening bids to build its small satellite launch rocket has attracted initial interest from 20 companies, an official overseeing the process told Reuters. India's Small Satellite Launch Vehicle (SSLV) was developed by the Indian Space Research Organisation, the national space agency, and had its first successful satellite launch in February.



(With inputs from agencies.)

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