Stray Dogs Terrorize Goa Beaches: Lifeguards and Tourists Under Siege

A series of alarming incidents in Goa has seen lifeguards, tourists, and even celebrities attacked by stray dogs on popular beaches. Over two weeks in May 2024, several individuals, including foreign nationals and a Bollywood actor, were bitten or chased, highlighting an urgent need for action.

PTI | Panaji | Updated: 23-05-2024 22:37 IST | Created: 23-05-2024 22:37 IST
Stray Dogs Terrorize Goa Beaches: Lifeguards and Tourists Under Siege
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A government-appointed lifesaving agency in Goa on Thursday said several incidents of stray dogs attacking beachgoers have taken place in the state of late, with some foreign nationals, a Bollywood actor as well as lifeguards coming under the attack by canines. In separate incidents, three lifesavers of the agency were attacked by packs of stray dogs on different beaches of the state, Drishti Marine Lifesavers, which has been given the task of lifeguarding the beaches, said in a statement.

These incidents happened within two weeks in May 2024 and they were given first aid, it said.

On May 22, lifesaver Roshan Patil was bitten by a stray dog on Betalbatim beach in South Goa while patrolling, while on May 21, another lifesaver Sarvesh Tandial was bitten by a stray dog at Calangute beach, it said. Last weekend, Sashikant Jadhav, Drishti Marine lifesaver and operations manager for the North and South Goa sectors, was bitten thrice by a stray dog while patrolling on an e-cycle at Mandrem beach, it said.

A spokesman of the agency said, ''A 35-year-old woman from Russia was bitten by five dogs. She was saved and taken to the nearest hospital for treatment. Also, a woman from Canada was chased by a pack of four dogs and bitten on her right thigh. She was taken to a nearby medical facility.'' The spokesman said that there have also been other reports of encounters between stray dogs and beachgoers along the coastline recently with Benaulim and Colva beaches emerging as hotspots for such incidents.

''Bollywood actor Rayya Labib sustained bruises and scratches after she was chased by stray dogs last week at Colva beach while holidaying in Goa,'' he added.

Last week, a 24-year-old Russian woman was bitten by a pack of stray dogs while cycling on Benaulim beach. She sustained minor injuries and was rescued by nearby fishermen, he said. ''Mid-May, a 24-year-old woman from Loutolim was bitten six to seven times by stray dogs on the Benaulim beach, and later taken to the Primary Health Centre in Loutolim, even as a senior citizen at Colva beach was also chased by a pack of stray dogs during his morning run but managed to remain unharmed,'' the spokesman said.

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