Gong Hyo Jin opens up about her journey to love and marriage with Kevin Oh

Devdiscourse News Desk | Seoul | Updated: 17-02-2024 14:46 IST | Created: 29-05-2023 17:26 IST
Gong Hyo Jin opens up about her journey to love and marriage with Kevin Oh
Image Credit: Gong Hyo-jin / Instagram
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Gong Hyo Jin, a renowned actress, recently shared a heartwarming story about how meeting her husband, Kevin Oh, completely changed her outlook on marriage. During a guest appearance on Jung Jae Hyung's YouTube show "Fairy Table," Gong Hyo Jin radiated joy, prompting the singer to comment on her glowing appearance and inquire about her love story with Kevin Oh.

According to a report by Sports Chosun.com, Gong Hyo Jin revealed that she fell in love with Kevin Oh's remarkable personality, which ultimately led her to abandon her previous reservations about marriage. During the show, Jung Jae Hyung expressed his own positive impression of Kevin, noting that he had sensed their compatibility when they first visited his house, having already known Kevin prior to their relationship.

During the candid conversation about her romantic life, Gong Hyo Jin confessed, "I've always been cautious when it comes to dating, so I haven't had many serious relationships. It's not easy for me to develop feelings for someone. Based on my past experiences, I believed that marriage and I were incompatible, leading me to decide against it." Consequently, she was upfront with Kevin Oh about her intentions right from the start.

She further shared an amusing anecdote about her mother's perspective, saying, "Even my mom would sometimes tell me that not having children brings its own kind of happiness. Having a baby can bring joy, but it also comes with worries and moments when they simply won't listen." Gong Hyo Jin's mother supported her choices and advised her to prioritize her career, saying that if she were in Gong Hyo Jin's position, she would focus on her professional life instead. The actress lightened the mood by jokingly adding, "I don't think my mom and dad got along that well," drawing laughter from the audience.

So, what made Gong Hyo Jin change her mind and open her heart to Kevin Oh? The actress admitted, "My feelings changed. He's like an angel. Even now, I still see him as an angel. That's why I have him saved as 'Angel' on my phone. He's genuinely kind." Emphasizing Kevin Oh's angelic personality as the catalyst for her change of heart, Gong Hyo Jin revealed the depth of her admiration for her husband.

As a reminder, Gong Hyo Jin and Kevin Oh, who is ten years her junior, tied the knot in October of last year, solidifying their love and commitment to each other.

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And just like a Lie detector test, Gong Hyo Jin's genuine emotions shine through as she shares the enchanting details of her journey to marital bliss.

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