DoT, MHA, and State Police unify effort to combat cybercrime and telecom fraud

Recent analyses conducted by the MHA and State Police have uncovered that 28,200 mobile handsets were involved in various cybercrime activities.

Devdiscourse News Desk | New Delhi | Updated: 10-05-2024 17:49 IST | Created: 10-05-2024 17:49 IST
DoT, MHA, and State Police unify effort to combat cybercrime and telecom fraud
Image Credit: Pexels
  • Country:
  • India

In a significant collaborative move, the Department of Telecommunications (DoT), the Ministry of Home Affairs (MHA), and State Police are intensifying efforts to combat cybercrime and financial fraud involving the misuse of telecom resources. This initiative aims to dismantle networks of fraudsters and enhance the security of citizens against digital threats.

Further investigation by the DoT revealed that these handsets were associated with approximately 20 lakh mobile numbers. In response, the DoT has issued directives to telecom service providers across India to block these 28,200 mobile handsets and to undertake immediate reverification of the 20 lakh mobile connections linked to them. Connections that fail the reverification process are to be promptly disconnected.

This concerted action underscores a strong commitment by these governmental bodies to protect public safety, maintain the integrity of telecommunications infrastructure, and ensure a secure digital environment for all. By tackling the root of telecom misuse, the initiative not only aims to prevent immediate threats but also to strengthen the overall resilience of the digital ecosystem against future vulnerabilities.

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