Uganda: Museveni reappoints Muhoozi Kainerugaba for second decade

Devdiscourse News Desk | Kampala | Updated: 17-12-2020 21:27 IST | Created: 17-12-2020 21:27 IST
Uganda: Museveni reappoints Muhoozi Kainerugaba for second decade
Representative image Image Credit: Twitter (@NRMOnline)
  • Country:
  • Uganda

Muhoozi Kainerugaba, the son of Yoweri Museveni, the President, has been reappointed as the head of the Presidential guards Uganda, according to a report by KDRTV.

As per reports, Kainerugaba will be leading the elite Uganda Special Forces Command which guards the President and his family. Kainerugaba held the position for the second consecutive decade. Belonging to the elite military, Kainerugaba had been trained at the Sandhurst British Academy and other military programs in Egypt, the US, and South Africa.


The President, Museveni made other challenges in the military, he recalled Sabiiti Muzeeyi, in the army. Muzeeyi was reportedly accused of allegedly killing 20 people in the campaign carried by National Unity Platform (NUP) Presidential candidate Bobi Wine.

However, Bobi Wine has been consistently raising concerns about the violation of power by police personnel during his campaigns and forcing them behind the bars. 

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