Severe Floods Devastate Armenia and Georgia: Rescue Efforts Intensify

Heavy rainfall and rivers bursting their banks in Armenia and Georgia have led to severe flooding, killing three people and isolating villages. Hundreds of residents have been evacuated and 230 rescue workers deployed. Russia has sent troops to assist Armenia, and Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan visited the flood-affected areas.

Reuters | Updated: 27-05-2024 02:36 IST | Created: 27-05-2024 02:36 IST
Severe Floods Devastate Armenia and Georgia: Rescue Efforts Intensify
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Flooding caused by heavy rain and rivers bursting their banks in Armenia and Georgia has killed three people, cut off villages and prompted the evacuation of hundreds of residents from their homes, media reports in the region said.

Russia's Defence Ministry was sending troops to tackle the flooding in response to an Armenian request, it said in a post on the Telegram messaging app. Russia's TASS news agency quoted Armenia's Interior Ministry as saying the death toll had risen to three in villages on the Debed River near the border with Georgia.

TASS quoted the ministry as saying hundreds of homes had been flooded and 230 rescue workers had been dispatched to the area. Video footage in Marneuli and Bolnisi in Georgia showed submerged streets and stranded vehicles. Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan visited the flood zone on Sunday, TV footage showed.

Georgia's Interpress news agency reported that at least 15 villages were cut off from the outside world due to heavy rainfall.

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