Indian teen in Dubai sings birthday tribute to PM Modi : report

A 15-year-old Indian girl in the UAE has received praise for singing a tribute song for Prime Minister Narendra Modi on his 70th birthday, a media report said on Thursday. Sucheta sang the song and is receiving praise for her voice," the paper reported. A copy of the song was presented to Dr Aman Puri, Consul-General of India in Dubai, on Thursday.

PTI | Dubai | Updated: 24-09-2020 17:36 IST | Created: 24-09-2020 17:36 IST
Indian teen in Dubai sings birthday tribute to PM Modi : report
  • Country:
  • United Arab Emirates

A 15-year-old Indian girl in the UAE has received praise for singing a tribute song for Prime Minister Narendra Modi on his 70th birthday, a media report said on Thursday. Sucheta Satish, who is a 10th-grade student of Indian High School here and also a student of Hindustani classical music, sang the song titled "Namo Namo Vishwaguru Bharat" that was launched on digital platforms recently, the Khaleej Times reported.

The video of the song highlights Modi's (Namo, as he is popularly known) political career, emphasising on the 'Made In India' campaign and taking viewers on a journey across India - mountains, rivers, deserts, and various cultural landmarks. Prime Minister Modi turned 70 on September 17. "Ajay Gopal, a Malayalam lyricist and singer, wrote the song, while Sucheta's mother, Sumitha Ayilliath, penned the project in Hindi to suit the original meter and rhythm. Sucheta sang the song and is receiving praise for her voice," the paper reported.

A copy of the song was presented to Dr Aman Puri, Consul-General of India in Dubai, on Thursday. He praised the Indian school girl for her voice, the report said. "We started thinking about this project a year ago. But once it was written and recorded in Malayalam, it did not take much time to execute it," she said.

"The challenge was when my mother was translating it in Hindi, there was a lot of back and forth and virtual meetings with various people at different locations. This song is a tribute from the Indian diaspora," Sucheta, who has a world-record on her name for singing COVID-19 awareness songs in 29 languages, said. "I have also had the opportunity of being in the UAE National Anthem Team in 2015 when the Indian Prime Minister came to the Emirates. In 2018, I sang at the Dubai Opera before the Indian Prime Minister took to the stage," she added.

(This story has not been edited by Devdiscourse staff and is auto-generated from a syndicated feed.)

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