Virgin River Season 3: New clip reveals Jack’s alive but will he find the shooter?

Devdiscourse News Desk | New York | Updated: 19-06-2021 10:44 IST | Created: 19-06-2021 10:44 IST
Virgin River Season 3: New clip reveals Jack’s alive but will he find the shooter?
Virgin River Season 3 will also focus on the relationship between Jack and Mel. Image Credit: Facebook / Virgin River
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Virgin River Season 3 updates: Netflix announced in December 2020, via social media that Virgin River Season 3 would be renewed for ten episodes. Few week back it got its release date in July and now Netflix has released a sneak peek of Virgin River Season 3, with the subtitle, “Mel and her loved ones in Virgin River support each other while facing all sorts of troubles: death, a fire, custody arguments, breakups and more.”

The recently released clip shows Jack (Martin Henderson) opening up to his girlfriend Mel (played by Alexandra Breckenridge) about all the adversities he had to withstand recently, while Mel reassured her love for Jack.

In the clip Jack says, “Getting emotional doesn’t really work for me, I just end up breaking things.”

Mel replies: Well, you can break whatever you want, But I’d prefer you do it at the bar, because I don’t have renters’ insurance.” Check out the official clip released by Netflix.

In the previous season, we saw Mel finding a wounded Jack, bleeding out on the floor of his bar after being shot. The new clip reveals that Jack is alive although it’s not clear he is entirely well or not.

It seems Mel and Jack will finally find the shooter. Virgin River Season 3 will also focus on the relationship between Jack and Mel.

In an interview, the showrunner and executive producer Sue Tenney said, “As is common with a traumatic event, Jack’s memory of the shooting will return in fragments. I can’t tell you how long he (or the viewers) will have to wait to find out the truth, but I can promise it will be well worth it.”

When the showrunner was asked why he skipped over Jack's initial recovery period, he answered “We are always looking for ways to cut deep into the story, and a time jump allowed for that. Once it is established that Jack is going to survive the shooting, the psychological component of his recuperation is what’s most compelling.”

Virgin River Season 3 is returning to Netflix with 10 brand-new episodes on Friday, July 9. Stay tuned to Devdiscourse to get more updates on the Hollywood series.

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