NewsClick case: Delhi Police files chargesheet

PTI | New Delhi | Updated: 30-03-2024 15:46 IST | Created: 30-03-2024 15:40 IST
NewsClick case: Delhi Police files chargesheet
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  • India

The Delhi Police filed a chargesheet on Saturday in connection with a case lodged under the Unlawful Activities (Prevention) Act (UAPA) against news portal NewsClick, which is accused of receiving a huge amount of money to peddle pro-China propaganda through its stories, sources said on Saturday.

The chargesheet runs into several thousand pages.

The Special Cell of the Delhi Police lodged the case last year under sections 13, 16, 17, 18 and 22 of the UAPA, along with sections 153A (promoting enmity between different groups on grounds of religion, race, place of birth, residence, language etc. and doing acts prejudicial to maintenance of harmony) and 120B (criminal conspiracy) of the Indian Penal Code (IPC).

It also arrested NewsClick's founder Prabir Purkayastha and human resources department head Amit Chakravarty on October 3, 2023.

(This story has not been edited by Devdiscourse staff and is auto-generated from a syndicated feed.)

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