Priyanka Gandhi Vadra Accuses Modi of Hollow Promises in Punjab Rally

Congress leader Priyanka Gandhi Vadra criticized the BJP-led Centre at a rally in Punjab, questioning the lack of economic progress despite claims of rapid growth. She accused Prime Minister Narendra Modi of making empty promises and failing to address critical issues such as unemployment, inflation, and public safety, while attempting to manipulate voters with religious rhetoric.

PTI | Fatehgarhsahib | Updated: 26-05-2024 23:39 IST | Created: 26-05-2024 23:39 IST
Priyanka Gandhi Vadra Accuses Modi of Hollow Promises in Punjab Rally
Priyanka Gandhi Vadra
  • Country:
  • India

Congress leader Priyanka Gandhi Vadra lashed out at the BJP-led Centre on Sunday, asking why people have not prospered if the country's economy is growing at a rapid pace.

Addressing her first Lok Sabha poll rally in Punjab in favour of Amar Singh, the Congress candidate from Fatehgarh Sahib, Gandhi accused Prime Minister Narendra Modi of ''speaking lies and making hollow promises to the public only to capture power''.

At another rally in Chandigarh, she countered the Bharatiya Janata Party's (BJP) charge that the Congress is anti-Hindu, saying her party's philosophy is based on the teachings of the Bhagavad Gita, which has taught people about truth, love, harmony and non-violence.

In Fatehgarh Sahib, the Congress general secretary urged people to ensure Singh's victory in the June 1 polls.

Hitting out at the Modi government, she claimed that 70 crore youngsters are unemployed in the country and the rate of unemployment is the highest in 45 years.

Gandhi said 30 lakh posts are vacant in government departments.

''He (Modi) makes big claims that the economy is growing at a rapid pace. If it is growing so fast and if the country is really witnessing progress, then why is there no progress in your (people) lives? Why did your children not get employment? ''Why has inflation gone up so much? If the country is progressing, why are the steel factories shutting down here? Why is the industry being weakened by the imposition of the GST (Goods and Services Tax)?'' Gandhi asked the gathering.

She claimed that the BJP-led Centre has not even launched a single scheme for the middle class.

''Progress is only being witnessed on television, not in your lives,'' she said.

Gandhi alleged that the BJP has no respect for the public. ''They do not talk about your problems. They do not say what they are doing to contain inflation and bring down unemployment. They do not say why women are feeling unsafe in Punjab. They do not say why the drugs problem has become so serious here,'' she said, adding that only the Congress talks about people's issues.

Gandhi accused Modi of saying ''illogical things'' to divert people's attention.

''He is asking you to give him power on the basis of religion for a third term. Which god says which party to vote for? All religions tell you to lead your life honestly, walk the path of truth and keep the country united. All religions say this. No god says give your vote to the BJP and press the 'lotus' (the saffron party's poll symbol) button (on voting machines),'' she said.

The Congress leader alleged that Modi would always avoid talking about the pressing issues facing the country, such as unemployment, inflation and the farmers' plight.

In Fatehgarh Sahib, she alleged that the BJP attempted to topple elected governments in certain states, including Himachal Pradesh.

She further alleged that the saffron party took donations from firms that were raided by the Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI), Enforcement Directorate (ED) and income-tax department. ''Raids were conducted. They took donations and thereafter, the raids stopped,'' she claimed.

Without naming anyone, Gandhi referred to the registration of an FIR against Barjinder Singh Hamdard, the managing editor of the Ajit Group of Newspapers.

''You have seen what happened to Ajit Newspaper,'' she said.

The Punjab Vigilance Bureau has lodged a case against Hamdard and 25 others in connection with alleged misappropriation of funds in the construction of the Rs 315-crore Jang-e-Azadi memorial at Kartarpur in Jalandhar.

''You need to understand what is happening at the Centre and what is happening in your state and how you are being misled at every level,'' Gandhi said.

In Patiala, she addressed an all-women rally and hit out at the BJP over inflation and unemployment.

''Today, the biggest problem for women is inflation. You (women) go to shops and you cannot buy many things. Everything has turned costly,'' she said.

Slamming Modi, she claimed that the prime minister is saying if people have buffaloes, the Congress will steal those. She also pointed out that Modi has repeatedly said in his poll speeches that the Congress will conduct an X-ray and steal ''mangalsutras'' of Hindu women.

''He has said we (Congress) are anti-Hindu and that it is written in our election manifesto that we will take your jewellery and give it to others,'' Gandhi said.

''Our party is a party that belonged to Mahatma Gandhi. His entire freedom movement was based on the Bhagavad Gita's teachings. It was based on the principles of truth and non-violence and teachings of our centuries-old Hindu religion. Then how can we be opposed to religion?'' she asked the gathering.

The prime minister says such things as he thinks all the women in the country are fools, she claimed.

(This story has not been edited by Devdiscourse staff and is auto-generated from a syndicated feed.)

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