West Bengal Boosts AI & ML Capabilities with High-Capacity Data Centre

The West Bengal government is establishing a high-capacity data centre to support 2,300 concurrent users for AI and ML applications. This initiative, announced at the Data Science 2024 Conference, aims to enhance data science infrastructure with high-performance computing and secure data management. Startups may also benefit from this advanced facility.

PTI | Kolkata | Updated: 24-05-2024 23:12 IST | Created: 24-05-2024 23:12 IST
West Bengal Boosts AI & ML Capabilities with High-Capacity Data Centre
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The state government is setting up a powerful, high-capacity data centre that will allow 2,300 concurrent users to run artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) applications, an official said on Friday. This facility will enable the practical application of data science by providing infrastructure to support advanced data analysis, the official said requesting anonymity on the sidelines of the Data Science 2024 Conference. ''Our state is already equipped with advanced infrastructure, supporting over 5,000 users in real-time,'' the official noted. One more data centre with a focus on AI and ML is being built with a capacity of 2,300 concurrent users, he said.

''To address capacity and growing demand, we are establishing this new data centre with greater capacity. Once operational, the data load will be split between the two centres,'' the official said. While the primary beneficiary of this new facility will be the government, there are plans to offer some startups access to the infrastructure for advanced data analytics, he said. For data science to be effective, robust infrastructure and the necessary tools and processes are essential. This includes high-performance computing services, secure data centres, and comprehensive data management systems, officials of West Bengal Electronics Industry Development Corporation Limited (Webel) said.

(This story has not been edited by Devdiscourse staff and is auto-generated from a syndicated feed.)

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