Miraculous Scalp Replantation: Young Girl's Remarkable Recovery

A 13-year-old girl has fully recovered following a rare scalp replantation surgery after her hair was caught in a generator fan. The successful surgery, lasting 8.5 hours, was led by Dr. Mohit Sharma at Amrita Hospital, demonstrating advanced surgical skills and coordination among several departments.

Devdiscourse News Desk | New Delhi | Updated: 12-12-2024 18:50 IST | Created: 12-12-2024 18:50 IST
Miraculous Scalp Replantation: Young Girl's Remarkable Recovery
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A 13-year-old girl has made a full recovery after a rare scalp replantation surgery, following an accident where her hair got entangled in a generator fan. The intricate procedure was successfully performed at Amrita Hospital under the leadership of Dr. Mohit Sharma, Head of the Centre for Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery.

The incident occurred at a local fair in Aligarh in October 2022. After initial stabilization, the girl was transferred to Amrita Hospital due to the lack of specialized surgical facilities in the area. The successful surgery, lasting about 8.5 hours, involved reconnecting blood vessels, nerves, and tissues, requiring advanced microvascular skills and timely intervention.

Despite a 10-hour delay after the injury, the surgery was completed with the collaboration of multiple departments, including anesthesiology, pediatrics, and critical care. The girl's recovery has been impressive, with her hair regrown and her return to school, signifying a near-complete restoration of her appearance.

(With inputs from agencies.)

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