Indian Naval Ships Visit Manila to Strengthen Indo-Philippine Naval Ties

The visit of the Indian naval ships to Manila is a testament to the robust diplomatic and defense relations between India and the Philippines.

Devdiscourse News Desk | New Delhi | Updated: 23-05-2024 17:44 IST | Created: 23-05-2024 17:44 IST
Indian Naval Ships Visit Manila to Strengthen Indo-Philippine Naval Ties
Image Credit: Twitter(@PIB_India)
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  • India

In a move to strengthen diplomatic and defense ties, Indian Naval Ships Delhi, Shakti, and Kiltan made a significant port call in Manila, Philippines, as part of the Indian Navy's Eastern Fleet's operational deployment to the South China Sea. This visit underscores India's commitment to deepening its partnership with the Philippines and promoting peace and stability in the region.

The visit featured a variety of collaborative activities aimed at enhancing cooperation and understanding between the Indian Navy and the Philippine Navy. Key events included:

Subject Matter Expert Exchange (SMEE): Naval personnel from both countries participated in expert exchanges to share knowledge and best practices.

Sports Fixtures and Cross Deck Visits: Friendly sports matches and ship visits fostered camaraderie and mutual respect among the naval forces.

Cultural Exchanges: Both navies engaged in cultural programs to celebrate and understand each other’s traditions and heritage.

Collaborative Community Outreach Programs: Joint initiatives were undertaken to benefit local communities, demonstrating the humanitarian aspect of naval operations.

Rear Admiral Rajesh Dhankhar, Flag Officer Commanding Eastern Fleet (FOCEF), along with the commanding officers of the visiting ships, engaged in high-level discussions with Rear Admiral Renato David, Commander Philippine Fleet (CPF), and Vice Admiral Rolando Lizor Punzalan Jr., Deputy Commandant for Operations, Philippine Coast Guard. The interactions included wide-ranging discussions on potential avenues for collaboration, shared security concerns, and the current geopolitical situation in the region.

Additionally, FOCEF held in-depth talks with Vice Admiral Toribio Dulinayan Adaci Jr., Flag Officer in Command (FOIC), to explore ways to enhance naval cooperation and interoperability between the Indian and Philippine navies. These discussions highlighted the mutual interest in strengthening maritime security and ensuring a stable maritime environment.

The visit of the Indian naval ships to Manila is a testament to the robust diplomatic and defense relations between India and the Philippines. It also aligns with India's 'Act East' and SAGAR (Security and Growth for All in the Region) policies, reaffirming India's commitment to maintaining peace and stability in the Indo-Pacific region.

This port call not only showcased the Indian Navy's operational capabilities but also its dedication to building strong, collaborative relationships with regional partners. The successful visit has laid a firm foundation for future engagements and cooperative efforts between India and the Philippines in the maritime domain.

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