Science News Roundup: Russia sets new contingency plan for crew of damaged space capsule

Devdiscourse News Desk | Updated: 16-01-2023 18:47 IST | Created: 16-01-2023 18:30 IST
Science News Roundup: Russia sets new contingency plan for crew of damaged space capsule
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Russia sets new contingency plan for crew of damaged space capsule

Russia's space agency Roscosmos announced new contingency plans on Saturday for the three crew of a damaged capsule docked to the International Space Station, saying the U.S. member of the trio would return to Earth in a separate SpaceX vessel if they needed to evacuate in the next few weeks. The Soyuz MS-22 capsule, which serves as a lifeboat for the crew, sprang a coolant leak last month after it was struck by a micrometeoroid - a small particle of space rock - which made a tiny puncture and caused the temperature inside to rise.

(With inputs from agencies.)

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