Vigilant Citizens Key in Preventing Cybercrimes, DoT Takes Swift Action

The Department of Telecommunications (DoT) appreciates the efforts of these vigilant citizens, which enable the department to combat and prevent cybercrimes effectively.

Devdiscourse News Desk | New Delhi | Updated: 22-05-2024 20:08 IST | Created: 22-05-2024 20:08 IST
Vigilant Citizens Key in Preventing Cybercrimes, DoT Takes Swift Action
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Alert and proactive citizens are playing a crucial role in preventing cybercrimes by reporting suspected fraudulent communications through the Chakshu-Report Suspected Fraud Communications facility on the Sanchar Saathi portal. Their vigilance is significantly contributing to a safer digital environment.

By promptly reporting suspicious messages, calls, and impersonation attempts, these citizens protect not only themselves but also countless others from falling victim to scams, phishing, and fraudulent activities. Their swift actions serve as the first line of defense against cybercriminals.

The Department of Telecommunications (DoT) appreciates the efforts of these vigilant citizens, which enable the department to combat and prevent cybercrimes effectively. Recently, citizens reported fraudulent communications involving fake LIC officials, insurance company representatives, and SMSs claiming to redeem SBI Rewards.

On May 19, 2024, the DoT received reports from citizens about such frauds from 14 mobile numbers. Within 24 hours, the DoT analyzed these cases, identifying and blocking 372 mobile handsets linked to these numbers on a pan-India basis by May 21, 2024. Additionally, 906 mobile connections were suspended and flagged for re-verification.

The DoT urges citizens to continue staying vigilant and to report any suspicious communications via the 'Chakshu – Report Suspected Fraud Communications' facility on the Sanchar Saathi portal ( Proactive reporting aids the DoT in preventing the misuse of telecom resources for cybercrimes and financial frauds.

Regular advisories are issued to the public through press releases, SMS, and social media to raise awareness about fake notices impersonating DoT/TRAI, suspected fraud communications, and malicious calls.

This collaborative approach is essential in safeguarding citizens against fraudsters. The DoT expresses gratitude to those who come forward and report suspicious activities.

Stay vigilant, keep reporting, and let's fight cybercrimes together.

About the Chakshu (चक्षु) Facility on the Sanchar Saathi Portal:

Chakshu (चक्षु) is a recent addition to the citizen-centric services available on the Sanchar Saathi portal. It allows citizens to report suspected fraud communications received via call, SMS, or WhatsApp, including messages about KYC expiry, bank account or payment wallet updates, SIM/gas/electricity connection updates, sextortion, impersonation as government officials or relatives, and threats of disconnection of mobile services by the DoT.  

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