World News Roundup: Brazil's Bolsonaro indicted for suspected fraud on vaccine records; Canada's parliament passes vote after language on Palestinian statehood dropped and more

Pashinyan was speaking during a meeting on Monday with residents of border areas in northern Armenia's Tavush region, close to a string of deserted Azerbaijani villages that Yerevan has controlled since the early 1990s. Berlusconi's former residence turned into foreign press HQ The grand Roman residence where Italy's former prime minister Silvio Berlusconi had his political headquarters - and allegedly hosted sex parties - has been converted into the home of the international press.

Devdiscourse News Desk | Updated: 19-03-2024 18:51 IST | Created: 19-03-2024 18:26 IST
World News Roundup: Brazil's Bolsonaro indicted for suspected fraud on vaccine records; Canada's parliament passes vote after language on Palestinian statehood dropped and more
Jair Bolsonaro

Following is a summary of current world news briefs.

US lawmakers reach preliminary agreement to keep government funded

Democratic and Republican U.S. lawmakers have reached a preliminary deal to keep the government funded through the rest of the fiscal year that began in October, a senior Republican aide said on Tuesday. The last sticking point was funding for the Department of Homeland Security, as a surge in migrants at the U.S.-Mexico border has become a major issue in the election rematch between Democratic President Joe Biden and his Republican predecessor Donald Trump.

Zimbabwe sect leader accused of child abuse is denied bail

The leader of a religious sect in Zimbabwe was denied bail on Tuesday after being arrested last week for suspected child abuse when police found 251 minors working on his farm and 16 graves. Ishmael Chokurongerwa, 56, described by police as a "self-styled prophet" appeared in court in the town of Norton near the capital Harare on Tuesday along with seven of his church members who also face charges. They were not asked to plead.

Separatist Puigdemont might return to Spain to tilt for Catalan presidency

Exiled Catalan separatist Carles Puigdemont will announce on Thursday whether he will run for president of the restive region in May, risking his arrest on entering Spain and raising implications for the national government. Puigdemont led northeastern Catalonia during a 2017 vote to break away from Spain, and a subsequent declaration of independence that courts declared illegal, prompting Madrid to impose direct rule in Spain's biggest political crisis in decades.

Washington makes new push for Gaza ceasefire to head off famine, Rafah assault

The United States made a fresh push on Tuesday for a ceasefire in Gaza to avert a manmade famine, while pressing its ally Israel to back away from plans for a ground assault on Rafah, last refuge for more than a million displaced people. Secretary of State Antony Blinken announced a trip to the Middle East, where he would meet senior leaders of Egypt and Saudi Arabia to "discuss the right architecture for a lasting peace". Unusually, Blinken made no mention of a stop in Israel itself, and the Israeli foreign ministry said it had received no notification to prepare for one.

Armenia's PM says he must return disputed areas to Azerbaijan or face war

Armenia could face a war with Azerbaijan if it does not compromise with Baku and return four Azerbaijani villages it has held since the early 1990s, Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan said in a video published on Tuesday. Pashinyan was speaking during a meeting on Monday with residents of border areas in northern Armenia's Tavush region, close to a string of deserted Azerbaijani villages that Yerevan has controlled since the early 1990s.

Berlusconi's former residence turned into foreign press HQ

The grand Roman residence where Italy's former prime minister Silvio Berlusconi had his political headquarters - and allegedly hosted sex parties - has been converted into the home of the international press. Berlusconi, who died last June aged 86, dominated Italian politics from the 1990s onwards while embroiled in a string of corruption sagas and so-called "bunga bunga" sex scandals. He occupied a section of the Palazzo Grazioli building from 1996-2020.

Brazil's Bolsonaro indicted for suspected fraud on vaccine records

Brazil's federal police indicted the country's former president Jair Bolsonaro for suspected fraud on his vaccination records, two sources related to the matter said on Tuesday. An investigation by the country's comptroller general's office had already shown that Bolsonaro's vaccination records were false.

Hong Kong legislature unanimously passes new national security law

Hong Kong lawmakers on Tuesday unanimously passed a new national security bill within a fortnight of it being tabled, fast-tracking a major piece of legislation that critics say further threatens the China-ruled city's freedoms. The package, known as Article 23, punishes treason, sabotage, sedition, the theft of state secrets and espionage with up to life imprisonment.

Exclusive-Russia's Putin to visit China in May - sources

Russian President Vladimir Putin will travel to China in May for talks with Xi Jinping, in what could be the Kremlin chief's first overseas trip of his new presidential term, according to five sources familiar with the matter. Western governments on Monday condemned Putin's re-election as unfair and undemocratic. But China, India and North Korea congratulated the veteran leader on extending his rule by a further six years, highlighting geopolitical fault lines that have widened since Russia's 2022 invasion of Ukraine.

Canada's parliament passes vote after language on Palestinian statehood dropped

Canada's parliament passed a non-binding motion late Monday calling on the international community to work toward a two-state solution to resolve the conflict between Israel and the Palestinians, in line with government policy. The vote had been delayed by last-minute wrangling over wording supporting Palestinian statehood, an idea that looked set to deepen splits inside the ruling Liberal Party.

(With inputs from agencies.)

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